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"Math fucking sucks." Kayla groaned as she tossed her books into her locker. "Like why? Why do we need to know Calculus? When am I ever going to use that shit?" She slams her locker shut.

I pat her shoulder in a consoling way. "Never my friend."

She groaned once more as we walked down the crowded school hallway. We skillfully bypass other students as we have been doing the past four years.

"You know the subject of Math should just disappear. Just go poof. It would make my life simpler." She continued. "No formulas to remember, theories and all that."

"Yeah, sure." I agreed. " And no money."

Kayla stopped dead in her tracks. "No money?"

"Don't you know we use math to calculate finances?" I asked. Her face contour in the thought.

"Ah, damn I guess it's useful." She exclaimed grabbing my arm pulling me towards the school's cafeteria.

Once in the cafeteria, we stood in the line waiting to grab food just like everyone else. "So tell me, how are things between you and Nate?" Kayla asked as  we moved forward in the line.

"Better I guess." I told her. "The day after the party he came over to check on me and we just went back to our old ways."

"Friends again?" She questioned.

"Friends again." I confirmed.

"Just friends?"

I looked at her. "Just friends, Kayla."

"Really?" She asked with an arched brow. "So, this doesn't make you jealous?"

Kayla grabbed my shoulders and turned me around in the opposite direction. Directly in my line of vision was Nate sitting down at one of tables. He was sitting next to Nicole Clarke, the popular brunette. They looked like they were enjoying each other's company. Talking, laughing and even her small touch on his shoulder every now and again.

I felt a small bubble of jealously rise in the center of my chest, but not as strong as before. Odd.

I pushed the feeling back down, but soon Nate's eyes locked onto my own. His dark blue eyes held mischief. He reached up and tucked a loose strand of Nicole's dark hair behind her ear and gave her an award winning smile.

I turned back around to face Kayla away from that scene. "No jealously." I told her.

"You're so bad at lying." She said.

"I'm not lying." I grabbed a slice of pizza and place it onto my tray.

"Sure." She said not convinced. Even I wasn't as convinced myself. But one thing is for sure I wasn't as hurt as I was the last time. "But I'm sure this doesn't make you jealous." Kayla said pointing to the left of us.

I follow her line of vision. This time it was towards Jace.  A redhead girl was leaned against the cafeteria wall, Jace had his arm resting above her against the wall. Their distance was close. She was laughing at something he said. Her hand brushed against his chest. He gave her his signature smirk.

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