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Silence filled the air. It engulfed us completely, only the sound of the bubbling sauce on the stove gave us some relief from the deafening silence.

My eyes followed my mother's line of vision. Her eyes shifting up and down, side to side. Studying.

Jace stood by the stove, his eyes filled with uncertainty and confusion as to what just occurred. His eyes shifted over to me questioning what just happened.

I wished I knew.

"Oh no!" I heard Mrs. Rylan say as she ran into the kitchen and caught sight of the cheesecake on the floor, her attention prior was on her husband who was still in the foyer. She ran up to my mother's side and started to pick up the pieces of the broken ceramic dish from the floor. My mom finally snapped out of her current state and realized what just happened. The whole ordeal only lasted less than a thirty second and if you weren't paying attention to the people involved it would have been missed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" She apologized slightly flustered and helped to pick up the few remaining pieces. "It just slipped out of my hand."

"Don't worry about it." Mrs. Rylan soothed. "Leah, do you mind grabbing a towel?"

I reached over the counter, grabbed the towel and handed it over to my mom. Her eyes looked up to me, they were apologizing for what just occurred but was also filled with worry. What is she worried about?

Just as the last of the cheesecake was wiped up from the floor, Mr. Rylan walked in. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What happened in here?"

"The dish slipped out of my hands." My mom explained standing up. But we knew it was more than that.

"Aw man. I was looking forward to that cheesecake." His tone held disappointed. When it came to food, Mr. Rylan was a foodie just like me and appreciated all the homemade items.

He looked up from the floor and froze for a split second when his eyes landed on Jace who stood behind me. His eyes widen slightly, but just as fast as his reaction came it left and was replaced with a warm smile as he turned his attention to me. "Glad to see that you made it, Leah."

I swallowed the knot that was in my throat. I wanted to unload all my questions on the adults in front of me, but I knew that it would not go over well and I had to tread lightly. "Of course, you know I wouldn't miss this amazing meal." I told him in as much of a normal tone I could muster up and returned his smile.

"And who is this?" His eyes landed on Jace who now stood directly behind me. He knew exactly who he is.

I turned around and looked up at Jace, I knew my eyes were questioning what I should say. He gave me a small nod. "Jace Emerson, I'm Leah's boyfriend sir." Jace held out his hand for a shake.

Mr. Rylan grinned and shook Jace's hand firmly.

"Boyfriend?" I heard my mom questioned incredulously from behind. I cringed from the sound of her voice. Crap.

I walked over to her as she held a confused look on her face. "I can explain." I told her sheepishly.

"Explain." She said deadpanned with her arms crossed over her chest.

"You didn't know?" Mrs. Rylan pipped up just as I was about to come up with a ridiculous excuse. Not the time! Don't add fuel to the fire!

"You knew?" My mom questioned her best friend cutting her a glare. "Before me?" Mrs. Rylan held her hands up in surrender.

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