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Growing up and watching action movies, I always thought that those scenes where the good guy was chasing down the bad guy were freaking awesome. They always kept me at the edge of my seat with anticipation. Feet pounding against the gravel trying to pick up the speed to catch up and they were always on the heels of the perpetrator. The best parts of the chase were weaving through the crowds of people or jumping over those really random obstacles. Who even puts those there? It was even better when the bad guy would crashing into a wall or trip and fall face first into crap. Those were the best.

It never occurred to me that I would eventually be in one of those chases myself. I only ever thought that it happened in the movies! Who would have thought? Now here I am chasing after this guy, not sure if he was good or bad, but at this moment he was horrible for making me run. The moment Gavin took off in the opposite direction, Jace sprinted directly behind him leaving me stranded behind. And what was I suppose to do? I did the smart thing and ran right after him.

Now here I am half way out of breathe chasing after Mr. Long Legs who is chasing after the man who thinks he's in the freaking Olympics. As much as I wanted to say I was keeping up, I would be lying to myself. I was a block and a half away from the actual chase. Did I stop to catch my breathe? Yes, yes I did.

My eyes were glued to the chase, that was one thing I had going for me. Gavin turned the corner into what looked like an alleyway. He was trying everything he could to lose Jace. At one point he even weaved through a set of tall pillars near a building to distract Jace. But it was not working, Jace was always right on his heels even as he also turned the corner. They were now out of my sight. "Shit." I muttered to myself and ran forward turning into the alleyway. Kids, don't do this.

I came to a screeching halt when I saw that Jace toss a trash can to the ground blocking Gavin's path. This alleyway was a dead end. The only way out was get through Jace. Gavin tried to swiftly jump over the trash can and away from Jace, but he wasn't quick enough. Jace grabbed ahold of his suit jacket and slammed Gavin against the cold concrete wall. His forearm pressed against Gavin's throat locking him in place effortlessly. Gavin had the same wide eye expression I knew I held in the moment. "Let go." Gavin gritted out between heavy breathes. Looks like we both could use some time in the gym. "I don't know what you want, but I left that shit in the past. I don't want anything to do with it."

Jace didn't say anything instead his forearm pressed deeper into Gavin's neck as his hard eyes narrowed studying the man in front of him. It looked like he was just about to cut off Gavin's oxygen supply. I needed to step in somehow and stop this because if I don't I wasn't sure what was gonna happen next. "Jace." I said as I cautiously approached him. Jace didn't budge at my beckon.  I place a soft hand on his shoulder hopeful that a calming touch would ease him away from his dark thoughts. A moment later his arm slowly moved away from Gavin's throat and took a step back as he realized what he was doing.

"Listen." Jace said steadily. The running did not effect him at all. "I'm not here to pull you back into this crap. I just have questions about my father. I just want some information on his time with DeLuca. According to a few sources, you were close to him."

"I ran for a reason." Gavin shook his head and let out a humorless laugh as he adjust his suit jacket. "How the hell did you even find me?"

"Even a ghost couldn't hide forever." Jace said quoting River's words. I felt a small smile tug at the corner of my lips from his statement. River, if you were here you would be proud.

Gavin looked around the area, scanning it carefully. There was nowhere to go. Jace was blocking the only outlet out. He ran a frustrating hand down his face debating with himself as to what he should do. He looked tired and aged. Obviously he couldn't out run Jace and when it came to strength, who was the one pinned against the wall? "Fuck." Gavin muttered to himself. "Fuck, fine. There is a coffee shop right across the street. Let's go talk there." He said after some time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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