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"It's locked." I told Jace trying to turn the brass colored knob. We stood in front of the dark wood door to Mr. Rylan's office.

He arched a brow and stepped up to the door. His hands skimmed the top of the doorframe to see if there was key up there. No luck.

"Do you have a hair pin?" He asked.

"Yeah." I pulled one out of my hair and handed it to him.

Taking it into his hand, he kneeled down and picked the lock effortlessly. I mean less than ten seconds.

"How did you do that so quickly?" I asked curiously. I would have been struggling for a good five minutes.

He stood up and gave a boyish smile. "One of my many talents."

I rolled my eyes and open the door letting us into the office.

"Where do you want to start?" I asked him closing the door softly behind us and turning the lock. Even though the gala was in full swing, there might be some lingering people around. So it was better to cautious.

He looked around the large room. There was two sets of book cases lining both walls from ceiling to floor. There was a large dark oak wood desk stationed in the center of the room, a tall luxurious desk chair sat behind the desk. Directly across the desk was a sitting area with a coffee table filled with paperwork. A huge tall window that starting from the ceiling and went all the way down to the floor stood behind the desk and shone the bright moonlight into the room.

"I'll start at one of the book cases. You can start with the coffee table." He stated.

I nodded and headed over to the table filled with papers.

I started to rifle through the papers. My eyes skimming the words, seeing if there was any link to Dominic and Nate's father.

Jace's eyes skimmed the book case looking for anything look out of the normal. Anything that would stick out. He started to sifted through the books. Looking through the pages and against the book case for anything odd.

We worked in silence. Careful to not to misplace anything.

"Did you ever find anything on your dad?" I asked breaking the silence and referring back to the time he had left with Allison.

Jace's eyes stayed trained on the book in his hands, scanning through the pages. "Not really. Just an article about my father's accident." He placed the book back onto the shelf and moved onto the other.

"An article?" I questioned. Why would Dominic have the article related to the accident?

"Yeah." He answered as his fingers skimmed down the book spine before grabbing the other. "I'm not sure as to why he has it. If he had nothing to do with my father's accident, why keep the article? Still looking into that. "

"That is odd." I said placing the papers back on the table exactly how I found them. "When Dominic first approached you, did you know why?"

I was curious about Jace's past and figured now was a better time than any to ask.

He shook his head. "I didn't. The way he presented and approached me led to no indication that my father was involved with him."

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