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It wasn't an accident? All these years I just thought he died in an accident. My father was murdered?


The word tasted so vile on my tongue. Bitter. Foul. Wrong.

This can't be true. No, it's not true.

He died in an accident. A car accident. It was an accident.

"Leah." A voice called out, but I couldn't bring myself back from my running thoughts. A buzzing sound, that is all that filled my ears like white noise. I couldn't respond. Not a word. "Crap." The voice whispered. I could faintly make out who it belonged to. Nate.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me gently away from the entrance of the kitchen where our parents were still conversing. I had no idea where he was taking me. We made a few turns and entered a room. I was unaware as my mind continuously replayed those words I heard not too long ago. Like a broken record.







I felt the softness of a couch touch my hands as I was seated onto it. "I'll be right back." I heard Nate say. Worry filled his voice.

I heard the sound of a door open and faint voices speaking. My guess was that I was in one of the many sitting areas in this cabin. There was only one that led onto the deck and I was certain that I was there.

I heard approaching footsteps enter the room and a momentary pause by all parties. "Leah." A voice called out again. Jace. He slowly started to approach where I was seated, scared he would startle me. Like I was a scared animal.

His presence gotten closer. He kneeled down in front of me and placed his hands on each side of my head holding it gently. His eyes peered into my own, studying and searching. Trying to figure out what has gotten me to this point.

"Nate, what is happening?" I heard Kayla asked concerned from a distance. He didn't answer. What was he going to say?

"Leah." Jace called out once more, but I was lost. Lost in my mind, lost in those words. Murdered. "Leah, sweetheart, look at me." He soothed. His gently touch became firm as an attempt to bring me back from my deep mind. "Look. At. Me."

I don't know if it was his words or his touch or even his presence, but the moment I truly realized that the person kneeling in front of me was him I was brought back from the deep pool of my mind.

Almost like a vortex pull from my memories to the present.

The moment realization hit me, I felt tears welling up blurring my vision of the man who was right in front of me. They threaten to fall if I dare to blink once.

The features on Jace's face formed into concern and worry. "Leah, what happened?" He asked gently.

There was a huge knot in my throat, that if I tried to speak a sob would break out instead. Instead of pushing any further, Jace pulled me into his arms allowing my head to rest on his chest.

His grip around my body tightened in a protective manner as if he was trying to shield me from the world. His fingers stroked my hair in a comforting manner.

My tears fell silently streaming down my cheeks like a never ending river. I knew that if I open my mouth a horrendous cry would be released and I couldn't let that happen with our parents only rooms away.

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