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You know everyone says that when you are in a near death experience your life flashes before your eyes? All your memories from childhood all the way up to that current moment replay in an instant?

Oh trust me. That was true.

Everything from the memories of when I was a little girl playing in the living room with my toys to junk food days with Kayla to even the memory of me walk away from the beautiful burger place that made me end up in this situation!

And now I'm going to die on an empty stomach.

I wanted to scream. Every ounce of me wanted to let it out, but I couldn't with that hand that was locked down on my mouth.

My back hit the hard concrete wall once in the empty stairwell. The person towered over me with their hand still in place. I was completely covered by the person. Every part of me was about to fight back.

"What the hell are you doing here?" A deep voice said lowly.

That voice.

I looked up to be met with harden hazel eyes and a wave of relief washed through me.


He removed his hand and I took in a breath of air. My lungs were definitely grateful for that.

"I just ended up here." I whispered to him. That was the truth. I literally just ended up here thanks to my legs who had a mind of their own. I wasn't quite sure how I was going to explain this situation. But I was at least going to try.

He arched a brow not convinced. Honestly, neither was I.

I was just about explain when Jace grabbed my hand and pulled me down to the ground. He placed a finger on his lips to signal silence.

There was a presence by the door. I don't know who it was, but the aura was there. I knew I had to stay quite. They stood by the doorway for a few moments before departing footsteps were heard.

I let out a sigh I didn't know I had in. I looked over to Jace who signaled towards the stairs. I nodded as he took my hand and pull me down the steps. Careful not to make too much noise.

The end of the stairwell had an exit that led outside. He pushed back the door and held it open for me to exit.

Once outside, the wind had picked up shaking tree limbs and toss leaves across the street. Rain was well on its way in.

Jace looked around every corner to make sure we were alone. He removed his hand from mine and I was already missing the warmth.

He turned to face me. His arms crossed along his chest.

"Please explain why you're here." He demanded. I could see the aggravation etched onto his face.

"I came here for burgers." I answered simply. That was the truth.

Jace's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Now I know this is not a business that sells burgers. Try again."

I sighed in frustration. "No, I really came down here for burgers." I explained. "There's a new restaurant a crossed the street and I came to pick up some food."

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