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"I hate you." I sneered to Kayla over the phone.

"I'm assuming that it didn't go well." She said. "Judging by your tone."

What do you think? After abandoning me.

"If you consider him walking out on the conversation as not 'going well' then yes. It didn't go well." I spat taking a gulp of my latte. I was still seated in the coffee shop where both Kayla and Nate left me.

I knew I was taking my frustration out on her, but I needed to vent.

As soon as Nate left, I picked up the phone and called Kayla. I needed the comfort of my best friend after losing my other one.

And I wasn't going to leave my pumpkin bread.

"Give him time. He'll come around." Kayla said slightly muffled. It sounded like she was trying to do something while on the phone. "Did she have to get such a big painting?" She grumbled to herself.

Maybe she wasn't lying after all.

"I don't know, Kay." I muttered fidgeting with the napkin on the table. "It doesn't seem like he will."

"It's a fresh wound. Just let him take his time to heal. Ah! Yes it fits!" She exclaimed in happiness.

Gross. Happiness. I know I'm bitter right now.

I grabbed my latte and decided to take it to go. I walked out the coffee shop and was greeted with a cool crisp breeze. It was refreshing, relaxing and it felt like all my worries left with it.

I took a moment and closed my eyes to enjoy the feeling. It was one I didn't want to let disappear. Uplifting, calming.

Let it go. He will come around. Eventually.

I could only hope.

"Did you really have a painting to pick up?" I asked while walking down the sidewalk and glancing into a boutique to see what they had. I decided a little window shopping wouldn't hurt.

"Girl." She said a bit breathlessly. "I don't know who gave my mother the idea of getting a huge two piece painting for the entryway, but she ended up getting it. Now every time I walk to and from the front door I will have an elephant staring me down. A gold elephant to be exact."

I chuckled. Kayla's mom was known for her unique art pieces. "Oh I can't wait to see this one."

She scoffed. "I'm still getting use to having a red tiger eyes glaring at my every move when I go to the bathroom. I know that thing is judging me. Especially when I have to poop."

I laughed. I could only imaging Kayla glaring back at the painting every chance she got.

"Gotta go. I need to make sure I don't damage this thing." We said our goodbyes and made her promise to send me a picture once that painting is hung up.

I slipped my phone into my back pocket and decided to head into the boutique for this cute sweater I saw. Window shopping always leads to buying. Always.

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