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"Gavin Adler?" The name slipped so easily off of my tongue.

Jace nodded as his eyes were trained on the posted note in my hand. His eyes studying the name, committing it to memory almost as if the piece of paper would disappear at any moment.

We were currently seated under a huge oak tree near the cafeteria. It was close to the end of our free period and the start of lunch. The temperature was warm enough to be outside, it was one of those rare warm November days.

I slid my legs down from the knee high position they were in, allowing them to stretch out onto the grass. I could hear the crunch of the fallen leaves against my boots and legs as they settled.

I was one of those people who can't sit crossed legged for too long or else my legs would fall asleep or catch a cramp. It was always a struggle to get feelings back into my legs. I would stand up and get all wobble legs like Jell-o.

I can't be the only one.

"And this man was close to your father during his time in the mafia?" I asked and he nodded once more.

"That's what Allison told me." He answered simply.

I nodded. "How do we find him?"

I know. I'm asking way too many questions, but come on if you were in my place, wouldn't you?

Jace's handsome face was set in a scowl. I knew I was not gonna like the words that were about to leave his lips. "That's the issue." He started dryly. "This guy is off the grid. There is no trace of him for the last ten years."

Ten years?

How the hell do we find someone who fell off the face of the earth for the past ten years??

"And finding him will?" I questioned. What would finding this man do? Is it worth the time and effort to find a ghost?

He ran a tired hand through his dark hair. Only then did I notice the dark bags under his eyes and the weary look on his face. The lack of sleep was telling on him. Even tired, he was still extremely attractive.

I hate that was the first thought that went through my mind. Damn your attractiveness, Jace.

"Finding him might give me some insight of my dad's time. Maybe it will lead me somewhere, maybe he can answer all the questions my father can't." His eyes shifted to my own. There were filled with tiredness, but behind that was hope, a small sliver, but it was still there.

I nodded once more in understanding. "But where do we even start?" It was more of a general question that I was tossing into the open air.

"I know a person who is actually pretty good with this kind of stuff." Jace said taking the posted note back and stuffing it into his pocket.

I furrowed my brows. "Who?"

"You got some time after school?" He answered my questions with a question. I despise when people do that, but for Jace I'll let it go this once. Just once.

"I guess I can spare an hour or two." I teased and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Well, thanks for finding some time in your busy schedule for me." He said with a boyish grin. "I'm honored."

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