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"What?" I asked, but it barely came out as a whisper. I couldn't believe what I just heard.

Did those words actually come out of his mouth?

Jace stared straight into my eyes, his anger and resentment ever so present. "That man, Dominic DeLuca, murdered my father." His voice as steady as ever.

I was speechless.

I didn't know what to say.

What do you say when a horrific bomb like that was dropped?

Jace took my shocked silence as a signal to continue. "Leah, this stems deeper than you can ever imagine. I don't really want to have you involved in any of this." He said running a hand down his face in frustration.

I could see the visible distress Jace was in. "Like it or not. I've just been pull into it."

He stayed silent.

"Jace, that man said he knew my father." I revealed.

Jace looked completely taken back. His face scrunched up in confusion. "Are you sure?" He asked slowly.

I nodded. "I didn't think he was telling the truth. But he told me things about my father only people close to him would know."

"What the fuck." He breathe out.

I sighed. "Can we please get out of here? I feel like Dominic is watching us without being here." I felt like there were eyes on me. It made my skin crawl.

Jace nodded and grabbed my hand. Just his simple touch was calming.

He led me over to his car and opened the passenger side door. I got in and automatically felt comfort from not only car, but from Jace's presence.

He pulled the car onto the main road. He drove for a bit, in all honest I was not paying attention to where Jace was heading until he pulled in front of a familiar building.

"The warehouse?" I asked Jace as I glanced up to the abandoned structure.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah. You haven't been back here since that day with the guys. So I thought I would bring you back. It's also a place that is not well known."

"Did you bring snacks?" I joked.

"Actually." Jace started and reached into the back seat and pulled out a bag filled with different junk food. "I did." He gave me and innocent look.

I blinked blankly at him.

He really had snacks.

"We started a club, didn't we?"

I gave him a small smile. "I guess we did."

Once we were in a familiar part of the warehouse, Jace turned on a light that was hanging from the ceiling.

"Wow." I said in awe.

The city mural that was partly completed the last time I was here was near completed. The night sky that over casted the city was filled with dark blues and purples and scattered with thousands of stars. Every building, every detail was perfect.

Bad IntentionsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon