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"Leah." A voice called out, but I was too deep in my own head to realized that I was being called. "Leah." It called again, sounding frustrated, but again my thoughts kept running. "Leah!" The voice yelled causing me to finally snap out of my own thoughts.

I glanced over to see a frustrated Kayla seated in front of me. Her had was was waving in front of my face trying to capture me out of my day dreaming. 

"What?" I said innocently. I didn't mean to be lost in my head. It just happened. 

"What has you so spaced out?" She asked taking a bite of her turkey sandwich. Her brown eyes filled with curiosity. 

We were currently sitting at our usual table at lunch. I didn't have much of an appetite at the moment. Which honestly is a rare occurrence. I'm always craving food. Sweet, salty, spicy you name it. Truthfully, half of my backpack is snacks and only the good kind.

What can I say? I'm just a foodie. 

I just shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly as I ate a fry off my plate. "Nothing. Just thinking about all the homework I have." The lie slipped through my lips with such ease.

Kayla narrowed her eyes looking at me suspiciously, she was trying to find the lie in my words. A moment later her eyes softened. "Is it about Nate?"

I arched a brow. Nate?  Nate hadn't crossed my mind in awhile. When I came back in from outside he was long gone. I didn't expect him to stick around.  My thoughts were actually stuck on what happened less than thirty minutes ago.

Jace Emerson.

That asshole.

After confirming our agreement and his payment, Jace left without saying another word, but not back to the hallway. He actually walked towards the parking lot like he was leaving school. Maybe he was. It wasn't odd for him to come and go as he pleased. 

I on the other hand was just plainly confused. What caused his change of heart? He was dead set on not helping me out. He made that clear.

There I go again zoning out.

Shaking my head clear of my thoughts I focused my attention back to Kayla. "Speaking of Nate, where is he?" I asked looking around the cafeteria. He wasn't anywhere in sight. 

Kayla shook her head. "No clue, I saw him walking towards the library right before lunch. He looked kind of upset."

I furrowed my eyebrows at her words. Upset?

Now it couldn't be that Jace stole me away. He would never get upset at that. 

This is Nate we're talking about. Always happy, calm and collected. It was rare for him to be upset.

The bell rung signaling the end of lunch before I could continue my thoughts any further.


Biology was finally here and that meant the day was almost over. Yes! I couldn't wait to get home. I needed brownies and I need them now. I was going to use them to fill the void that school has created.  Warm, chocolatey, fudgy brownies. Maybe with vanilla ice cream and drizzled with chocolate sauce. As if on cue, my stomach grumbled.

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