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"Now who is the Mario Kart Champion?" I said rubbing my victory into the faces of the trio. We had just left the arcade and picked up some drinks from Starbucks and guess who got a venti white chocolate latte? Yes I did, but so did the skeptic turned believer, Jace.

"No fair." Ian muttered with his arms across his chest. "My freaking wheel wouldn't turn!"

I laughed and took a sip of the delicious heaven in my hands. "And what are the excuses of you two then?" I glanced over to Luke and Jace who wore innocent looks on their faces.

"I never claimed to be a Mario Kart pro like someone." Luke pointed out taking a jab at Ian.

Ian narrowed his eyes towards him. "You're not helping."

Luke waved him off dismissively. "Leah." He said capturing my attention. "Help a guy out, how do I sweep Kayla off her feet?" I stopped dead in my tracks. He's asking me? I have a pretty nonexistent love life. "Jace must have done something grand to land you as his girlfriend. No way this dumbass got you from just talking."

Jace and I looked at each other. If only they knew that this relationship was far from real. He shrugged his shoulder leaving the conversation in my court. Thanks a lot boyfriend.

"In my personal opinion, as a girl I would just want to hear your true feelings. I would want to hear it all, why you grew to like me, when it happen and why you couldn't hold it in anymore. It's the words, the feelings behind them and the vulnerability you show when confessing. That sweeps a girl off their feet."

They all looked at me curiously, but Jace's eyes lingered longer than expected. Almost has if he was committing my words to memory. He could use it in the future, I guess.

"That's all a girl wants?" Luke asked like he was searching for more answers.

"I always thought they would want a grand gesture and for us to scream our feelings to the world." Ian added.

I shrugged my shoulders. I'm no expert. I was just going off of my personal preference. "I mean a small and significant gesture wouldn't hurt." I threw the idea out there. "You can get her something that reminds you of her. So every time she looks at it she is reminded of you. You would always be on her mind."

Luke and Ian's faces held a 'ohh' expression. It clicked. Thank god cause I didn't know what else to say. Me? I'm the one giving the most popular and desired guys in our school dating advice. Oh, how the tables have turned. Can't always survive on your playboy ways, boys.

"Is that what Jace did for you?" Ian asked curiously. "I've never seen him confess to any girl for as long as I've know him."

That sparked my interest. Oh wait! The nonexistent girlfriend! They must know something about that! "Do you all know anything about this girlfr-" I started to asked, but couldn't finish because a hand clasped down on my mouth.

With my eyes wide, I looked up to meet a cheeky grin from Jace. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yes, that's exactly what I did." He said in a matter of fact tone with his hand still locked onto my mouth. Liar!

I tried to pry his hand off to no avail, he had a strong grip. I bit the palm of his hand as hard as I could. He flinched slightly, but didn't move. He gave me a weird look. What's weird is that you have your hand as muzzle over my mouth!

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