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Silence was all I heard. That and the sounds of utensils against plates.

Everyone was eating with not much conversation. Mrs. Emerson and Sam on one side of the table and Jace and I on the other.

I glanced over to Jace out of the corner of my eye to see him eating with his eyes trained onto his plate. He hasn't said a word since his mom mentioned I would be staying for dinner.

"So." Mrs. Emerson spoke up. "How was everyone's day?"


"Anyone?" She tried again, but Sam was more interested in his game that he was playing on his phone and Jace was focused on eating.

Mrs. Emerson's shoulders slummed in disappointment and I felt awful. She put so much effort and time into preparing this meal and no one is appreciates it.

"Um, my day was great actually." I spoke up from the deafening silence.

"Really?" Mrs. Emerson pipped up. She was just excited just to hear a response.

I felt Jace's eyes on me. "Definitely! I mean school is school, but I did get some great cooking lessons this afternoon." I told her smiling. "Which honestly, I would love to learn some more."

"Yes of course!" Mrs. Emerson said. "It was great having you help. If only I got that from my children."

Yes, Mrs. Emerson! You tell them.

I looked over to Jace to see him gaping at her. "Wait a minute mom, I help." He defended himself.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Sure, when was the last time?"

Jace looked thoughtful for a moment and muttered a few words under his breath. "Damn she's right." Was all I heard.

"Okay fine. You got me there. But what about Sam?" Jace pointed out.

Sam looked up from his phone with big doe eyes. Innocent as ever.

"What? I didn't do anything!" He whined.

"Exactly." Jace teased as he took a bite of his chicken.

"Mom, Jace is being mean to me." Sam complained.

"Maybe if you help once in awhile, he wouldn't be." She said but couldn't keep a straight face. A slight chuckle slipped her lips.

Sam gaped at her with wide eyes.

At a sight like that, even I couldn't contain myself.

"What are you laughing at, Leah?" Sam asked with narrowed eyes. "It's your fault that we're talking about this."

I gave him a thoughtful face before speaking. "You know we wouldn't be on this topic if you actually did help."

No one came to his defense.

"I can't believe this!" He said exclaimed. "I'm leaving." Sam slid back his chair and stomped away to his room.

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