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A normal day. All I wanted after these past few chaotic months is just one day of being normal. Just wake up, go to school, make it through the boring classes, come home, watch Netflix and go to sleep. And I couldn't forget the snacks somewhere in there.

After the bomb drop at the Pre-Thanksgiving dessert party, I was determined to make today as normal as possible. Let's just say the party was over after that revelation. My mind was running a mile a minute trying take in all the information that was unloaded. After everyone left I just headed straight to my room. I couldn't speak to my mom after all of that. All that was hidden for years. I would have either screamed at the top of my lungs or broke down crying if I had to speak about it at that point in time.

My mom knew I was upset to say the least. I could feel her lingering outside my room door every so often, but I just couldn't face her. How was I suppose to when I found out the actual cause of my father's death this way? We haven't spoken much since that day and Thanksgiving was awkward to say the least. It was like walking on eggshell. Neither one of us wanted to open Pandora's box. It also helped that she was working as much as she does.

"Are you okay?" Kayla asked as I entered her car.

I grabbed the seatbelt to buckle in. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I told her simply. I could feel Kayla's eyes on me, waiting for more. "What?" I asked after some time.

Her eyes studied me cautiously. "You can talk to me, you know." She said after a moment.

I nodded. Of course I knew I could talk to my best friend about anything. "I know. I just want one day to just be a normal teenager. After that, I'll focus back on this whole mess."

Her eyes soften. "Okay." Was all she said before pulling out of my driveway. I watched the passing greenery trying to keep my mind as blank as possible, but those lingering thoughts always seem to seep back in. Not today!

"Please fill me in on your love triangle." I teased her. Kayla let out an audible groan causing me to chuckle. "That bad huh?"

"You know, when they're not around each other, each are charming in their own ways, but the moment they see each other it's like tug of war. Literally." She said with frustration.

I gave her an encouraging smile. "Then that means you'll have to choose soon before they rip each other apart or worse, you."

"I know." She muttered under her breath as she turned down the road that leads up to our high school. "But those suckers can wait. My best friend comes first."

I felt my smile waver slightly from the thought of Kayla pushing her happiness to the back burner for my mess. "Don't wait too long. You don't want some other girl to come by and snatch them up." I warned.

Kayla pulled into the parking lot and into the nearest parking space. "If that happens, then I know it wasn't meant to be."

"True." I agreed grabbing my backpack and exited the car. "But have you given it some thought on who you would choose?" Yes, I am being nosy in her love life.

Kayla let out a deep sigh. "No, not really. One day I feel closer to Jax and other day I feel closer to Luke." She answered as we walked to the entrance.

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