I found...

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In the darkest of times
I found my light.
In the midst of crowd
I found my love.
In giving up my life
I found the reason to live.
In the surrounding of lies
I found the truth.
In the call of the wild
I found home.
In between mundane
I found magic.
In the blackest of nights
I found the stars.
In loving & acceptance of self
I found peace.
In a foreign country
I found comfort.
Beyond your image of me
I found myself.
I found all & everything
The reason to cry
Or to laugh.
The reason to love
Or hate.
All within me.
In myself.
When i look inside
Its all in me.
Its just the way you look at it.
To fight
Or accept defeat.
Tell me what you found ?
Pick up the sword,
Lets find it out... instead of giving up.

Before I say Goodbye Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora