To all the broken hearted!!

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I dedicated this song to you! Everyone !!!

Your loved
Your are your own cheerleader
The once who lose you
And suck it!
Cause your beautiful strong and brilliant
Don't let anyone show you less
Never lower your standards for the opposite
You deserve everything you want
Don't compromise for others who can't
Don't be selfless for the shellfish
You breath out fire
Then why you can't raise voice for yourself?
Pray for the poor soul who cross you
Cause they will be dead soon ;) hehe...
This is not a heartbreak song or poem
This a love poem you give to yourself
When love is pure, the heartbreak hurts i know,
But don't dwell on it for forever.
Get up, brush the dust off your knees
And shout out aloud!
Get you ass up, & see the wonderful
Like the first rain, the snowfall,the beach, the freedom within,
Don't let him/her be the definition of what you are!
Don't let him/her control your mind, even after leaving your life.
Don't let his/her words influence how you look
Don't let HIM is all you know.
Relationship are not all bad.
When you fall in love... you will be hurt and loved.
The experience can't be defined
But you can define yourself.
Let you voice be heard!
Let your style be shown!
Love your body and self!
Lets Ride the warrior inside.
Love don't always means sex.
And sex don't always means love
It's difficult to find the in between
But till them lets enjoy the time we have
Fuck society and rules.
Leaders were never meant to follow.
Be both vanilla and chocolate
The sexy and the shy
The dangerous and the timid.
Human nature can be fickle minded.
But all you do now is how you define your future.
So let the Fuckers, Fuck.
Let the haters, Hate.
Let the bitches, Scream.
Let the liars, Lie
Let the players, Play
Cause you already know the game.
Stay sexy, sassy & Classy, Above them
Cause all they want is how get bellow you ;)
Where they always will be!


Cry about it later song! For you all

Love , rosavet swan
💋 xoxo

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