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Let me just say it's okay. It's okay to let go. It's okay to feel sad angry happiness anxiety every thing at once.

It is not my duty to overdo things. Not my duty to shove them into the right direction even though they're falling down the hill. It's not my duty to do anything, when they're not gonna listen to me

We lose people in this life, friends, family, lovers, enemies and so many others but only the true will remain and you don't have to push them to be in your life. Cause they will be there forever.

I know now I can only guide and give advice but we don't get to choose who listens to them no matter how much they need it.

We can't force a blind person to see if he is unwilling to accept it.

We cannot even hold on to a friendship which is coming to an end despite you trying hard to survive it.

It's okay to let it go, let time take its charge and the flow. It's not your duty to save every thing when nobody cares though.

I see it in the rise what they're gonna loose and their gonna achieve in life. I can't say anything because it's not my place to decide for them.

I thought I learned I grew and matured but there is so much more to learn each and every moment onwards.

But I did understand one thing. You only have one life and you only have yourself in it, someone who understands you inside and out is you yourself and no one else in sight.

It's no point of talking to the wall or the object cause no one will learn on less it happens to them.

Thus it is not your duty to guide or shove them in the right direction if they are not in the situation where they to understand the meaning.

You gave it to your all you tried your best you have done your part you did your best. Now I need rest I'm letting go of the feel.

I wish you luck and all that you want, it's time for me to move phone.

It's not like we want together, I always cherish the time we had with each other.

Now you are growing in a different direction it's good or bad you will find out later.

No matter how much I know which part or choice will prevail you, My journey has ended to guide you.

Trust and believe that no one can make you inferior without your consent just like you are responsible for your happiness and no one else.

Believe in yourself and live to the fullest, you get one life way waste it.

I am human being I had anger and sadness, resentment and envy jealousy and savage.

The more coming to an end the more growing I am, to understand certain parts of life which you can't see or understand until it's time for you to take a stand

Sweet lullabies I set aside, for the child in me I promise not to let it be harm anymore than it already had cried.

I had been holding on to many chains, All wrapped around me, I let them there.

Some heavy some light some broken some strong, some of love some of it some of anger and pain.

Growing and learning, I am unchaining myself. Still have a long way to go, but I know I will get there.

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