Chapter 50

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For the first time after a long heated talk, I smiled.

I then remembered Steven, Seve and later on, Siegee.

I want to talk about them when I remembered something.

"I don't understand. You told me different when I return the first time after I left. Was it a lie?"

He shook his head.

"When you left, they already decided the date for the wedding. Ashley even leaked it to the press."

Naya nodded. Of course, she remembered the headlines she read before she took off 5 years ago.

"But I decline. Terribly. You know I would never marry a woman I don't love. And when you came back a year after, the contract was still going on. We just let it off as a long engagement because they could never make me marry her not when you left already."

I looked at him and sighed. Everything is just a mess.

"What I told you last time, isn't entirely the truth. Pinalabas lang namin na ganun ang nangyari between sa company. Totoong wala akong magawa kundi sundin ang contract, dahil noon nakasalalay ang safety mo. But what I told you is that, company namin ang kailangan ng tulong. That your dad's company offered to help as well and it wasn't enough so I asked for Galvez Inc help."

"I'm fucking confused."

"Yeah. I really wanted to tell you the whole truth that time buy I can't. I will be dragging your dad's company as well. We can't let that happen. But you believe me easily, and I was shocked."

"Of course, I would understand Trace. That you have to marry that bitch to save your company and I was really confused that time because why would all of you hide that from me. Now it's making sense. Also, I was fighting with my own mind to believe just because there's notuing I could do anymore. It already happened might as well accept it."

He nodded, trying to form the words but it kept on hanging at the edge, so I asked.

"How did it stop? How did you manage to get away from them?"

He put his hands into his pocket jeans and continued.

"I had to wait for another half year after we spoke for me to get out of the condition they give in, when it did I broke off the contract. It was all useless already since you left. My family cut all our connections with them, we broke off our engagement. It even reach to court hearings but we manage."

"Court hearings?"

He nodded, "Yeah. For a month."

"I didn't know that." I mumbled.

"It was easy. Maybe a lot easier because they couldn't find someone to threat anymore. Your siblings has a flock of bodyguards that time."

I nodded, "Even now."

We both are taking all it in. Trying to digest all the information we both needed to atleast stop being so cruel with each other.

He sighed heavily, fidgeting while nervously looking away. Naya was no better. She could almost feel the temsion building up again so she closed her eyes and after an awful minute of silence Naya talk to him and finally this one is about Siegee.

"She's born April 27th. She will be turning six. She has always been the sunshine in my life. You said she looks familiar, that's because she look a lot like you. She's sweet, kind-hearted, and smart. Super smart. Steven would always say that sometimes Siegee act more mature than me. She's bubbly too. She always has this energy of pulling people to like her."

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