Chapter 51

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Naya can't really that she's surprised hearing the woman's voice so she cleared her throath before speaking.

"Hey. Is Steven there?"

"Yeah. He's in the shower."

I smiled. "That's okay. Do you mind me asking something to you?"

"Uhh....Yeah... I guess."

"You must be Danielle, right?"

She gasps saying, "you know me?"

"Of course. Steven won't really stop talking about you everytime I ask him."

"Wow. Uhhm...I don't‐don't know what to say."

"It's okay. Tho he won't really wanted you to hear that from me. So if you don't mind, don't tell him I said that. He'll roast me."

There was a little chuckle Naya heard from the other line.

"Actually, he's in the kitchen...Sorry...I didn't know you're a friend...and it's wierd since your contact in his phone says 'wife or not with a heart."

I laughed. I laughed so hard I had to cover my mouth even when I know Siegee can't possibly hear my voice since the walls are thick.

"Oh my god. On the second thought maybe I'll be the one roasting him...." I can't finish what I'm saying since I'm wheezing hard then I heard her laugh on the other line too.

"I'm sorry. It's just so funny. He's funny and grumpy. I'm Naya, by the way."

"Nice to know you, Naya. Uhm.. please wait a moment. I'll give him the phone."

There's muffled voices on the other line and I can hear Steven's voice asking if who's calling.

Another minute and I heard Steven's voice through the phone.


"Hey Steve. Wait...should I change your contact here in my phone too saying husband or not with a heart?"

"What the hell are you talking abou...—oh, OHH. How did you know that?"

"Dane told me."

"Ohh. So now you're friends, huh?"

I laugh but then I remember why I called him and the nerves in my body are starting to feel tense. I'm worried about nothing, really. Fuck.

"I...I would really love about you and Dane.. but..there's something I need to tell you."

I can almost see him in my mind furrowing his brows at me.

"Naya, what's wrong? Relax I can feel you're tense all the way here."

I rolled my eyes.

"And stop rolling your eyes it might get stuck at the back  of your head." He added.

He's making attemp on lifting out the tense in me and it's slowly working.

"You really know what to say to make me feel at ease, hon."

"Of course. I've been living with you for five years, Naya. I know you like back of my palm."

I smiled bitterly, "Yeah. Like the way how I know you scrunching up your nose right now and creasing your brows so hard because I still didn't say what's wrong."

He chuckled. "Damn. That's so on point. Now tell me what's going on. Stop fidgeting."

"I am not. I'm not disturbing right now, am I?"

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