06 • Who Are You?

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What does it matter? You've already made up your mind about me

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What does it matter? You've already made up your mind about me.

South's deep voice was on an annoying repeat loop inside my head as I stormed through the thick press of wedding guests.

I had made my mind up about him... hadn't I?

He was a Navy SEAL and... a liar. And... he kissed me like it was the only thing he needed in the world.

No—Jae had kissed me like that. The carefree skydiving instructor. Not South. Jae and South couldn't be the same man. One was real and one was fake, and I was sure I knew which one was which.

The reception was in full swing, appetizers were passed while music drifted. Delicate sprays of flowers sat on linen covered tables.

I gave out smiles and friendly waves to faces I recognized, but declined several invitations to join in on conversations. I kept walking towards the exit, needing a moment to collect my thoughts and breathe.

Even though I had left him at the bar, South Tenney's cold look and his deep voice seemed to chase me through the crowds.

I shouldn't have come to this wedding.

The universe had been telling me not to do it. From the sinking feeling in my stomach to the rip in my dress.

South would have found his way back into my life either way, I told myself. He'd have shown up at my office and I would have had to deal with the surprise in front of my new boss.

I found a set of double doors that lead to a lavishly decorated hallway and discovered Lieutenant Fitzpatrick sitting on a tufted bench, head resting in his hands.

His vulnerability drew me forward.

"Hey, stranger," I called out.

His head snapped up. "Oh, Camilla." Connor studied my face, a question forming in the line between his blonde brows. "What's wrong? You're upset."

I wrung my hands together, smiling at a couple passing by, before taking a seat beside him. Connor smelled like he'd taken a bath in merlot, little purple dots flecked his white uniform pants.

"I'm..." I began, closing my eyes and drawing in a deep breath. Connor didn't need to hear all the messy details. Nobody did. "I'm fine."

Connor narrowed eyes the color of clear blue skies, clearly unconvinced, so I gave him a playful tap on the shoulder. "Why are you sitting out here all alone? Where's my dad?"

Connor sighed into his hands before raking his fingers through pale blonde hair. I could feel embarrassment radiating off of him in waves. "You know, with my track record tonight, I'd recommend anyone with the last name Isley stay five feet away from me. It's probably best if you sit on that bench over there."

"Don't tell me that frown you're sporting is contagious."

"Nah, nothing contagious. But, I think I might be cursed. Or doomed to fail. Or maybe I'm not cut out to be a flag aide."

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