33 • Pearls

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My lips popped open

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My lips popped open. "He meaning Les Tenney?" I asked.

Stella nodded.

My throat was suddenly dry. "Who did he choke?"


The word came out so matter-of-factly—as if I should have known the answer. And even though I did, it didn't stop surprise from flitting through me.

Leona reached out and covered Stella's hand with hers. "It all happened at Easton's wedding."

The popcorn-tossing, jacket-sharing, musical-loving boy who wanted me to be his sister had been choked by his dad? At a wedding?

It was almost too much to believe. Except, I knew nothing was beyond Les.

Stella gave her friend a sad, heartbreaking look. "It was the most horrible night of my life. I thought he was going to kill him." Tears sparkled in her eyes. My hand floated to my mouth. "I'll never forget finding West like that. With his dad's hands around his throat. His face was purple and he was trying not to..."

Her voice broke off, and she looked quickly away.

Even though I'd left the wedding reception early that night, I knew West must have kept this abuse from South.

"He punched him, too, didn't he?" Leona said in a low voice.

What else did West need to endure from this man?

"I mean, I didn't see it happen—West getting punched," Stella clarified. "But he had a split lip and was bleeding when I found him."

I thought I should ask the girls another question, maybe keep them talking, but luckily Leona had more to say.

"I think he's capable of more than just punching kids and cheating on his wife," Leona added. "He's manipulative and evil."

I let my gaze trail the busy lawn. Happy couples and drinks and expensive suits. Seafood and champagne.
Another tray of oysters was set on the raw bar.

"Twenty-four more!" called an older man wearing a black apron who smiled at Stella.

Stella drifted over and grabbed the tray. "Thanks, Levi!" she said before making her way back to us. "We should get to work before Mrs. Kleeson sees us slacking."

I needed to get back inside and see who Admiral Tenney was meeting with. Not wander around the yard serving drinks. Then, the perfect idea bubbled in my mind.

"Would it be okay if I ran to the bathroom?"

Leona tossed her shiny black hair again. She had the kind of quick wit and magnetic personality that I envied.

"If you wanna check your phone, there's a good place to hide over there," Leona suggested, gesturing to a trellis covered in snaking ivy with a sly smile.

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