44 • Honor

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" the private eye asked as we made our way towards the valet parking lot

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" the private eye asked as we made our way towards the valet parking lot. Slinking past wealthy donors dressed in Chanel evening gowns and Dolce and Gabbana tuxes.

"We don't have a plan. We aren't being methodical. I told you before that a good detective doesn't leap before making sure they're landing on solid ground. What if it goes wrong?"

I could tell Jack was trying to appeal to my more thoughtful nature. But the moment I saw South get in the car with his dad, all of my wavering Libra sensibilities vanished.

There wasn't time to weigh options and think before leaping. It was time to trust my gut and jump—just like Lydie would've done.

"Things are already wrong," I hissed through my teeth. Arms crossed to keep my hands from shaking. "Would you let someone you loved die because you needed to make a plan?"

"Would South want something to happen to you because you didn't?"

I opened my mouth. Closed it. Then went back to silently stewing.

Jack gave me a satisfied look before handing the valet his key tag and a fifty-dollar bill—the portrait of cool and confident. Casually readjusting the blood red rose at his lapel. I wondered if he was always so unshakeable or if it was something he'd learned over the years.

I, on the other hand, was not. Waiting for Jack's shiny Volvo to pull up had my already frayed nerves on end. I needed to keep moving. Keep searching.

Two of the longest minutes of my life passed before we were sliding inside Jack's car and driving through the Fredericksen's front gates.

I watched the massive estate disappear behind us, fighting back an overwhelming sense of dread. No matter what happened tonight, I knew there was no going back to my old life.

I would never be the same woman that arrived at Spencer's Art Gala, hopeful and ready to be whisked away on the adventure of a lifetime.

After tonight, I knew there would be a new Camilla. One that was trying to burst out of her cocoon right now. Not the one my dad and mom wanted me to be—careful and sweet. Not the one my sister wanted me to be—daring and bold. But the real me, even if I wasn't sure what that meant.

"Where are we going?" Jack asked, navigating down the busy stretch of road. "Where would Les take him?"

Summer tourists were out in full force to see the mansions of Newport lit up in all their grandeur. Walking down the street hand in hand, staring up at gilded fortresses.

"Do you think he'd bring him back to their home? There are gates and security cameras. He probably feels safe."

Jack shrugged. "Maybe. But Les comes off as someone who doesn't like to bring his dirty laundry home."

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