31 • Top of Pelham

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I met Connor outside Top of Pelham, one of Newport's piano bars, right off busy Thames Street

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I met Connor outside Top of Pelham, one of Newport's piano bars, right off busy Thames Street. We ducked inside the crowded restaurant and grabbed a table near the bar. Jazz music and the loud chatter of friends filled the space with the kind of carefree-summer atmosphere you could only find here.

I ordered a glass of white wine and a bowl of red clam chowder while Connor sipped ice water and picked at fish and chips.

"So," I asked casually, blowing on a steaming spoonful of soup, "how was Lianna's oyster bake?"

Connor shrugged. "It was good."

I took a bite, trying to puzzle out his hesitant answer. "Did you two like... you know? Have a good time?"

I watched Connor flush as red as my soup. I had no idea why I asked him that, and suddenly I was taking a sip of wine to cover up my own blush.

"What do you mean?"

I shook my head and stirred my soup. Finding the scratched wooden table more interesting than it was. "Never mind. It's none of my business."

The cute naval officer hadn't worn his uniform to our meeting—thankfully. He was wearing a barely blue button-down shirt and charcoal dress pants. A gold cross hanging in the bare patch of skin his open collar revealed.

"Oh, you mean..." Connor let out a laugh. "No, not at all! She's not really my type."

I brushed off my instant relief as my protective nature surging. "Whatever. I saw the way you were smiling at her in my office. Lianna is everyone's type."

Including my boyfriend's.

"Well, she's not mine. I'm sorry if it came off that way. I've been told I smile too much."

We both let out the same awkward laugh we had on the dance floor at Easton's wedding. "And believe me when I say Lianna is not my type."

"Then why did you go?"

Why did I keep asking him about Lianna? I didn't care. I'd come here to talk about the admiral.

Connor seemed to hesitate, studying the rim of his ice water. "I don't know. Meet new people, I guess. Besides, I thought you might come."

I swallowed another spoonful of soup. Connor had set down his fork and was staring at me with clear blue eyes. We really needed to get back on topic.

"So, what is this important update you wanted to give me?"

I focused my attention on the piano player getting settled in front of a massive baby grand while I waited for his reply.

"He's been acting... weird this week. I can't describe it, but Admiral Tenney has been even more on edge than usual." Connor paused, then said, "I want to know more about this private detective you met. He hasn't tried contacting me for an interview."

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