Chapter 2

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A month slowly passed by, we all became extremely silent with one another, and the obvious reason was there really wasn't anything to say. What was there to talk about? Could have we talked about how torn apart our family was, or about how we barely even spoke to each other? Everything was better left unsaid and it was as simple as that. I painted my room pink with my mother one day, to match my sheets and pillow cases, which was a pretty fun time. Our day started off quiet but before we even realized it, a huge paint fight broke out between us and it covered almost our entire bodies! Of course most fun moments eventually come to an end, and that’s exactly what happened with us.

After the walls were dried our relationship went straight back to complete silence. Jimmy wanted the walls of his room to stay white, simply because since he was autistic he didn't like changes. It was getting harder for him as the days went by and it was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to watch. Now Jake on the other hand wasn't talking to anyone. Although he knew how I would be there for him through everything and anything, he never took advantage of it, so he shut himself off from the world. My father tried calling his cell phone a few times but he just kept hanging up the phone or ignoring it completely, which made me realize how much they had drifted apart.

 School was coming up and I was actually looking forward to getting out of the house, which deeply surprised me because when I first moved here I was terrified of the thought of being new to the school. Our caring mother was drifting further and further away from us, and I could tell my mom also needed a break from Jimmy as well, so she signed him up at a special needs school. It's small and quiet, peaceful and structured, and I went on the tour with them. A lot of the kids attending there are much worse than him, but at least the teachers and aids know what they're doing.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning outside, starting to get cooler outside already. I woke up to the sounds of lawnmowers and birds chirping outside of my window, which definitely reminded me of living down in Florida. I desperately willed myself to get out of my comfortable bed, and the moment my feet touched the cold floor is when I immediately flinched, hissing deeply under my breath. I wasn't used to not having any carpet in the house, so I guess you could say that obviously didn’t put me in a great mood. At this point I hurried to my dresser and pulled out a pair of black fuzzy socks, and I carefully pulled them on, sighing dramatically.

 I silently glanced into the mirror that was hanging over my dresser and instantly realized how messy my curls were, so I threw them up into a high bun on top of my head. My eyes were very tired-looking today, but that was most likely due to running three miles up and down our long street yesterday, so I shrugged it off. I saw that it was ten thirty on my alarm clock on this beautiful morning, so I took my time and changed into tight black shorts and a white loose shirt

I peeked outside of my room and looked in the kitchen, where I saw Jimmy and my mother making pancakes, my favorite breakfast. Jimmy had the batter all over his face and clothes, and it made me smile due to the wide smile overtaking his face, his expression looked as happy as ever. I slowly made my way into my closet and sneakily opened the secret door, walked up the stairs, and made it into the secret room.

 I had entirely done it over! I moved my black fuzzy chair into the corner, and I had magazines hidden underneath it for entertainment, so I was able to read gossip on my favorite celebrities. I hung up pink curtains in the one big window overlooking everything outside in the back, making the view look much more beautiful than it was without the fashionable curtains, with a comfortable couch against the wall. I made sure the door was unlocked, because for some reason I still felt the urge to keep it open, so I did. I eventually hurried to the kitchen and saw my mother reading the newspaper at the kitchen table, while Jimmy ate pop tarts in the chair beside her.

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