Chapter 4

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When we reached to Nevada it was away from the city there was a cabin up south of the woods. I asked Lucius why we were away from civilization. He said I needed to meet an old friend of his. As soon as I stepped foot on the front deck Lucius told me I wouldn't do that if I were you. I told him it was just an old house. After I reached towards the door knob it zapped me and I fell to the ground.

"What the heck"

Lucius screams at the lady of the old house "Kate its us" he says.
She opens the door and surprise at what she sees. She looks up at me amazed.
"I am sorry Elissa, you really do have your fathers looks." she says.
"Umm, How did she know my name?"
Kate used her magic to temporarily undo the spell. It was just a protection spell from other beings.

When I walked in I saw ingredients in a cupboard. Owl's feet, werewolf hair, vampire fang, and other unnatural thing. Lucius went to the kitchen looking for something to drink. He came out drinking a hospital blood bag.

I was just staring at him like the thought of drinking blood agitated me. Kate came to me with a witch ball. Wow its just like how people talk about you all in the movies witch ball, what's next a wand. Necessarily witches don't have wands thats all in movies.

This witch ball can look to the past and future maybe you'll bet to take a glimpse of how your parents died yourself instead of Lucius explaining it to you."

"Okay what do I do" I ask

"Just look deeply at it think about what it is you want to see "Kate said."

I look deeply into the ball. I didnt expect anything to happen at first then when I look deeply .

My mind grasped all the things I wanted see. It was just like one television show in my head. I saw what my mother looked. I saw how she kissed me before giving me away. My father tried to protect my mother. He dies protecting her.
I really did have my dads looks and my mothers eyes. I saw the painful death of my father and mother. She was telling them that one day I would grow up and beat them. That day was today the now. Then Lucius takes me and puts me on Claire's doorstep.Thats when he put the sun of waves tattoo on me.
Thats all I see after that.
"So now you know" Kate says.
"I do but I would like to know more"

Lucius said it was better I knew less.

"Please Kate I want to know more I need more"I ask her."

Like Lucius said there was a prophecy in the old times two unlike beings would meet each other fall in love and break the sacred law.It was Sabine and Demetrius. You're the prophecy everyones talking about. It was your maternal grandfather who killed your birth dad. All of your birth dad's family members wanted him dead for what he did even his siblings.
The werewolves and the witches also wanted both your parents dead.
"All because of a stupid Prophecy ? I ask

"Your parents sacrificed their lives for you to live and kill those who are bad."

"So who is the name of the vampire who killed my parents"

"Jack, he ordered the kill on them" Lucius says

"No One crosses him he'll you kill you when he gets his hands on you he will rip your heart out. He explains". "This is why we put you in hiding for your own good Kate says".

Then theres only one thing to do I'm going to kill Jack myself". They both look at me with a shock.

But it was the truth. If I wanted to get my life I would have to do the impossible. Lucius started to smile. "Let the games begin". he says.

My fangs started to hurt one night staying at Kates house. I went to the kitchen to find something to help with the fangs. Kate overheard me and came down. She asks what's wrong. My teeth they hurt I told her. She takes a look at my mouth it was bottom fangs. I see its your fangs you're not really use to them so thats why they hurt. "How long have you noticed them?"

"I've noticed them for a week now."

I am going to give you something that will treat the pain since you're new at this. But you're going to have to learn how to hide your bottom fangs Kate says. "Is it bad to have them" I ask. If you're near an immortal" she says. Its going to be hard for you since you're new so here's a little elixir that'll help hide your bottom fangs so people won't see what you are". I took the potion it was a greenish reddish color. I drank it and I felt nothing. Then I felt my bottom fangs go down.

"How come I haven't grown top fangs yet? I ask."

"It was because I haven't ascended yet. I have abilities but not the teeth yet. Dont worry its normal for other vampires too. But you were also born a werewolf too so your werewolf skills came in already at a very young age". How do you know this so well I ask. "I know all lot about my history well our history." "So when do I ascend I ask.

"Lucius walks in on me and says on my birthday". Elissa why don't you go upstairs you need rest for tomorrow." Lucius explains.

"Whats tomorrow" I ask."

"Training day he says". I thanked Kate for the drink. I went up stairs to the bathroom looking at my bottom fang's in the mirror. I'm sure people won't notice after drinking Kates elixir. Afterwards I go to bed to rest for tomorrow.

Lucius wanted me to meet him outside Kate's house in the forest. I thought he was training me to fight but instead he was reaching me how to change without using anger.

Being a vampire is like energy. You can never run out of it. "It took years for me to manage my anger" but I don't want that to happen to you. Sometimes takes over you and you can't help.Lucius was explaining to me. Just take deep breaths. Nothing is happening I guess I really have to do it when I'm angry I told him. Right so you're going to keep changing using anger thats great Amara Lucius says. I realized he called me Amara and I let its slide. Stop thinking just feel the energy feel everything at once breathe it all in he says. I try to do what he says. Once I open my eyes the electric blue color is present.Now everything feels good now but take it slow. Afterwards I start running through the forest. Then he says or not. I start jumping on trees. I felt everything at once, once again. Tomorrow my life begins.

Lucius is is waiting in the car for me to go with him. All of my bags are in the trunk. I wish I could stay longer with Kate to get to know her. She seemed like a nice person. She packed a bag full of the elixirs to hide my bottom fangs until I leave. If I ever needed more I knew where to find her. "Thanks for everything Kate" I tell her. "Your like family Elissa remember that, and ... oh here she says". She handed me the witches ball.

"I cant keep this is is your witches ball, Kate".

"I have plenty more its yours now if you ever feel like you need to know more."

I hug her in advance. Take care Lucius says. I always will Kate told him. We both drove away. Im not sure for the world to know me just yet. I don't what to do when I get there. Lucius has it all planned out for me. The car ride took forever. I called my mother. She was glad to hear my voice. I was glad to hear hers.

Lucius stopped by a gas station on the Michigan. I went to the bathroom. I went to take a quick leak. The controlling Lucius wanted me back there in 3 minutes. When he is paying the gas store manager the money to fill the tank a guy came up to the counter with doritos and soda. Lucius recognized him. He had the crows of blood (cob) tattoo. When the guy told him the gas was on. Lucius pretended to go to the car to fill up the tank. When vampire guy walked out the store to search for Lucius. He went on top of the building.

Lucius jumped on top of the guy snapping his neck. Lucius dragged his body and tried to put the gas on him More of them came. By the time I came out he was fighting all of them. "ELISSA go fill the car with gas" he says. What about you I ask. He says do as I say. I fill the car with gas. One of the vampires bites him on his arm. As I turn around to see what he is doing. All of the vampires are on the ground. The gas store manager comes out and asks what happened. He was going to call 9-1-1.

Lucius goes near him look deeply in his eyes then tells him to forget what just happened here, forget you saw me.

"I'll forget I saw you come here" he says.

Then Lucius tells me to get the hell out of here. Who were those vampires I asked. They follow Jack I knew them because they had the crows of blood tattoo. Only people who are loyal to him wears it and does everything he says. Lucius explained the crows of blood tattoo.

Immortalis [Book #1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن