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  “If only we can shed memories like sweating out a fever, if only death smelled of roses or lavender then maybe life wouldn’t be so challenging; I guess that’s the goal when people decide to live through rose colored glasses.”

  I sighed, what's the point of writing, anyway? I've been trying to get my book published since two years and nothing works. Somehow the agents never call me back, somehow they think my book isn't exactly what the audience would want to read. Somehow I'm always "too young" to be writing. Such bullshit. How is someone too young to write? How is my book not what audience would want to read, when you won't even fucking publish it? 

  Honestly, being successful in a particular field is too tough. Like, I'm nowhere near successful. I'm just a coach for my school's football team. Only because my principal knew me and my passion for football. That's all. I'm just a coach. I want to publish my book, be a psychologist... but nothing seems to work. It was so frustrating. But I chose to avoid the frustration. Mainly because Michael was coming back today. After 4 months. I was really excited, but we were fighting. But I was still excited. Mostly, when we fight while he's on tour, we forget everything and just... be together. I knew that was going to happen again. 

 Betty is pregnant, and she cries all the time. She craves for all weird things and yells at Ashton to being in America. Amy and I have to deal with her mood swings. Lola is working with Katy Perry, she's hardly ever around. Tommy and Lola broke up 6 months back because long distance wasn't Tommy's thing. I knew Tommy still misses her, but I don't know what to tell him. Erin is working in America, and honestly, I don't even know what he's upto. We hardly ever talk. We only spoke at Betty's wedding but that was all. Amy has her own cupcake shop and she's had many branches of it all over Sydney, she's so rich and successful. Betty isn't really working, and she doesn't have to. Her parents are rich, they have big houses everywhere. Addy isn't really close to me but we still talk sometimes. Calum and Addy are going smooth, Calum feels she's the one for him.

And then you have me. Unsuccessful, sad excuse of a human being. I was just waiting for my career to take a turn. It was really depressing seeing how my friends are so happy with their lives and I'm just... struggling.

Skater Girl Meets The World // Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now