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My body hurts. I feel like there are 560 bricks on me right now. I try to move my leg but the pain is too much to handle. I open my eyes, and I realize that I'm in a place that I hate the most. Hospital. It's dark. I don't even know what time it is. I hear someone sleeping, like, not exactly lying down and sleeping, but resting their head on my bed while sitting on a chair. I try to move my hand on his head because I'm too scared to talk. I don't even know if I can talk. But my hand feels like a brick. I can't move it at all. Alright, I just have to calm down and speak up.

"Hello?" I speak up, my voice sounds strange and as if I'm on crack. Fuck, what's wrong with me? I know I met with an accident, of course, I'm not dumb but.. do I really have to feel this exhausted?

I get no response from the figure sleeping on my bed. Fuck, where am I? What if this isn't a hospital? What if I'm somewhere else. I try moving my body again. And this time, I move my hand with a little more force and try to pat the person on his head. I'm shit scared, though. What if it's not somebody I know? It's probably Calum.. I keep telling myself.

This time I succeed. The figure sleeping on my bed wakes up, he.. Michael. Of course it's Michael. My eyes are wide open and he's smiling. He isn't saying anything but his smile is speaking a lot for it. Probably more than words.

"Emizie," he finally says, "I'll call the doctor, yeah?" he smiles.

He walks out of the room and gets someone in. A nurse. She switches on the lights and to my right, on the vacant bed, I see Calum. He's asleep. I knew he'd be here. But.. two visitors aren't allowed to stay over, right? Whatever, I shouldn't be thinking of that right now.

She does her check ups (OK LISTEN I'VE NEVER MET WITH AN ACCIDENT SO IDK ANYTHING OK SO BEAR WITH ME TILL EMIZIE GETS HOME) and says something to Michael. I look at both of them, trying to understand but my body and head hurts too much to do anything.

"Hey," Michael smiles as he sits next to me, "There's a good news,"

"Wh-what?" I speak up. It still feels awkward to talk.

"You have no internal injuries anymore, and we'll be able to take you home soon," he kisses my hand.

He looks exhausted. Like, he has been crying and having sleepless nights and just wishing all the stress would end somehow. I feel really bad seeing him like that.

"Home?" I ask him, I know this is stupid but I remember our fight and I don't want him to buy another house, I don't want to lose him.

"Our home," he smiles, he looks like he's going to cry, "I missed you,"

I smile too but my face hurts, "Are you sure I don't have any internal injuries?" I ask him.

He looks at me seriously, "yeah, wait, why?"

"My body hurts," I say, "I can't even smile!"

He sighs, "Yeah, that's because of external injuries. It'll take time to heal. You leg has healed a lot, though. You can walk and all.."

"How many days have I been here?" I ask.

"Like.. 3," he says, "But thank god you finally opened your eyes. Your heart was beating regularly but your brain didn't give any signals, we were all scared that you are in a coma," his voice cracks, "but the second day, your brain started giving signs of being active - like whenever someone spoke, the machines would go on, hinting you're hearing. Did you hear anything?"

"Uh.." I try to recollect, but I feel too dizzy, "Not really," I say, "I'm too sleepy, can I sleep again?"

"Yes!" He says, "Please take rest. I'm talking too much right? The nurse adviced me not to give you stress, but, I have so much to tell you! I missed you so much! I am so happy you're here, talking to me, it feels like a dream -"

I hear him but I yawn. I don't know why I feel so tired, I feel bad for not being able to converse with him properly.

"It's okay, I'll let you sleep," he says and gets up.

"Can you sleep next to me?" I ask him, "Like we used to?"

He smiles really big. Like, all his exhaustion has vanished. Like he's alive again.

"Of course, I'll just ask the nurse to arrange the bed, I mean, I'm not even sure if they're gonna allow it! But I can ask them to get another bed? Hey, did you know they're giving us special treatment because we're in a successful band?" he giggles, "I'll just call the nurse. You must be tired. Right, I'm so stupid, I keep talking,"

"Michael," I call as he's walking towards the door.

"Yeah? Do you need anything?" He asks.

"No, I just want to tell you that I love you,"


double update because i feel mean lol!!! THANKS FOR READING AND IM SOOO SORRY FOR SCARING YALL LIKE THAT LOL. Hopefully, your hatred for me subsides a little with this update. Goodnight, btw :) xx

Skater Girl Meets The World // Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now