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"Where else could he go?" I'm screaming now. I don't believe this. Calum isn't here. It's my wedding in three days. And he isn't here. I thought he'd be here.

"I don't know!" Michael yells back, "His phone is switched off and we looked everywhere we could, called everyone who knows him, nobody knows where he is!"

"I don't believe this," I say miserably, "I thought he wasn't serious,"

"Emizie," Michael takes both my hands in his, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have interrupted you guys. I ruined everything. I made him feel like it was all his fault,"

"It's not your fault!" I snap, "Can everyone stop thinking that it's their fault!"

"I don't know," he murmurs, "I just think I ruined everything,"

"No," I sigh, "Michael, please."

He smiles, or tries to, "I love you. And I hope you're happy about your decision to get married to me,"

"Of course!" I say, "Michael, I really want this. I want you,"

"I want you just as bad," he says.

"Good," I try to smile.

"I feel your mom doesn't like me," he sighs.

"What?" I laugh, "Are you stupid? She agreed on our decision of moving in and getting married. She obviously likes you, idiot,"

"I think she likes Calum more..." he trails off and bites his lower lip, because he knows he has probably got me mad by saying that. I hate it when he thinks he isn't good enough for me.

"Michael," I say as calmly as I can, "Stop being so fucking insecure, I'm in love with you."

"Yeah.. but I still think Calum can treat you better,"

"Can you bloody stop it?" I yell, "Why do you want to fight just two days before our big day?"

"I'm not trying to fight," he said, his voice quiet, "I just feel... guilty,"

I sigh, "You don't have to. I don't know how to express my love for you, Michael, because words will never be that powerful. I just want you to know that I really do love you. I don't know why you're feeling this way and honestly, it is scaring the hell out of me. Please don't leave me. Please. Especially don't leave me because you THINK you're not good enough for me. I won't be able to live without -"

"I'm not gonna leave," he said almost immediately, "I just want you to be happy,"

"And you are the one who makes me happy," I say.

"Are you sure?" he asks me.

"I am, I have never been so sure," I reply.

He finally smiles, "Okay. You make me happy too. I'm gonna stop being so... weird,"

"Please stop pushing me away," I tell him, "I love you and I don't want you to doubt it."

He nods, "Can I kiss you?"

"Yes, please. It's been a week," I say, "You haven't even hugged me,"

"I'm sorry. I was just... I just thought you deserve better,"

"I can't deserve better if I already have the best," I shrug.

He smiles genuinely, "Well, thank god for that. I couldn't actually see you with anyone else but me,"

"You wouldn't have to. Ever." I say, "Now kiss me, you idiot!"

And so he did. With the same burning passion like he did 6 years before. When we first confessed our love for each other. It was just like our first kiss all over again. And in that moment I was sure, that I did want to get married to Michael Clifford. I was ready to be Emizie Clifford for the rest of my life.

Skater Girl Meets The World // Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now