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 Michael was so frustrating, he made me want him more and ignoring him while living in the same house as him wasn't easy at all. He was purposely being sexy, and it was annoying me because we hadn't even kissed for a week and I was getting desperate. I know how bad it sounds, just imagine how bad it felt. 

 I walked in the living room seeing him sitting on the couch and texting, he's always texting. 

"Don't you have work?" I scowl.

He looks over at me for a second and then smiles, as if this is funny, "No, I took a day off to relax,"

I raise my eyebrow, "you could take a day off today and you couldn't for the finals?"

He sighed, "I'm SORRY!" 

"Yeah, whatever,"

"Seriously, can't I even sit on my couch and relax without feeling attacked?" he says.

"Yeah, of course you can. I'll leave," I mutter.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He yells, "Seriously Emizie, can you fucking not? Can you stop ignoring me? It's driving me crazy!"

"Why is it?" I ask.

"Because I love you and I want you to pay attention to me!" He flustered.

I smirk, "yeah? And how do you think I feel when you're always at work, you don't remember what I tell you, you don't pay attention to me?"

"It's not my fault that I'm busy and you're not!" he shrugs, "But when I have time, we could spend it relaxing together instead of fighting like this, you know?"

"So you just want me to sit here and wait for you and smile and don't mind anything you do?"

"You can mind what I do, but not for so fucking long when I keep apologizing. What do you want? I beg you to forgive me?"

I'm so mad, how can he talk like this? I'm not overreacting. I'm not. 

"Emizie, listen," he takes a deep breath, "I love you, and I know you want attention and I know I'm being a dick to you out of all this work. I know it's frustrating and I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say or do that will make you realize that I am really sorry. I mean it, Emizie. I know it's hard for you, for us, but please, please don't give up and ignore me, please, we have to fight through this, I love you," he says.

This seems genuine. This sounds genuine. But there's just something... something that keeps bothering me. I'm not good enough for him.

"It doesn't matter that you're busy," I say, his face sparks up a little thinking I'm gonna run and kiss him, but he realizes that there's something wrong with me so he frowns again, "It's just... I feel you dind't attend the finals because I'm just not good enough. I feel you take my job, my events, my life as a joke. I don't know why but I feel you'll find someone better and leave me. Someone prettier, more successful, someone who doesn't play football to earn a living. Someone like Jessica."

He looks like he wants to laugh really hard but then he just nods, "You think I'll ditch you for Jessica?"

"Yeah," I say in a small voice.

He is actually smiling. What an asshole. I tell him my true feelings and he's smiling.

"After 6 years of being with a crazy jerk like you, you think I'll leave you for someone better?" he shakes his head, "I don't believe this, how much of an idiot are you? I love you. You make me feel like nobody does. Every kiss with you is like the first kiss. Every time we have sex, it's like the first time. Everything about you drives me crazy. I love the way you talk, breathe, sing, scream, kiss, love, shout, giggle, cry, make faces. I feel like I fall in love more and more with you everyday and you think I'll leave you?"

I'm about to cry. This is.. I've been so stupid and insecure for no reason, he really loves me so much. I am actually crying, this is the best thing he's told me in all 8 months, I've missed him. He's right, I shouldn't be fighting with him when we get only a few months to spend together. And he still loves me so much.

"I'm sorry," I wipe my tears, "I just can't help but feel so competitive of other girls and I couldn't stand the idea of Jessica spending more time with you than I do,"

He shakes his head again and walks towards me, "I love you, idiot. Jessica doesn't drive me crazy by ignoring me. I wouldn't even care if she ever ignored me, but did you see what you did to me by acting like this? I was going insane. I love talking to you and hearing your voice, I can't live without it, you know?" he kisses me, and I kiss him back. It's gentle at first but then it gets rough, we wanted each other really bad, "fuck you for making me go through hell,"

"I'm sorry, I love you," I reply, and kissed him again.

"I'm sorry too, I'll never forget anything ever again. Fuck, getting ignored by you was the worst feeling ever," 

Skater Girl Meets The World // Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now