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 The fact that Michael thinks it's not a big deal was annoying me, he acted as though I'm just overreacting about something petty. But it was a big deal, I really wanted him to come and see how I trained my team, and just.. be a part of my life for once.

"Emizie, you're seriously giving me a silent treatment?" He said in an irritated tone. He was asking me where I kept the TV remote and I wasn't answering him, I was just writing. He had an off today, well, good for him. But he's still going to spend time playing video games and texting instead of spending time with me. So I wasn't really talking to him, I was really pissed off.

"Emizie, for fucks sake! Where did you keep the remote last night?" he asked.

"Emizie, this is not funny, I want to watch something, it's important," he said seriously.

"What is it?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"They're going to premiere Jessica's video -" he said, "I have to see it,"

What the fuck. Who is this Jessica? He's only been talking about HER, like others don't exist. I get up and open the drawer where I kept the remote and threw it at him. He just stared for a while and picked up the remote and switched on the television. 

Okay, the video sucks. I just know it by the start of the song, she can't act. She keeps smiling when she's supposed to be serious. She's so.. Gosh, why did they sign her? The entire song is autotuned, she can't even look in the camera properly, I can do better than her. 

"She's so good!" Michael says. Is he serious?

I just laugh bitterly.

"What?" he snaps, "she's good. She'll do well,"

"Yeah, whatever," I say.

"Seriously, can you stop being such a bitch?" he says.

"I'm being a bitch?" I challenge, "Really? I wonder why I'm being a bitch!"

"Seriously, just forget that I couldn't come to a stupid match, I was busy!" he says.

"Stupid match?" Seriously, did he just... "It wasn't a stupid match, Michael. It meant so much to me, but obviously it was just another stupid match for you,"

"I didn't mean that, I'm saying, for how long are you going to be mad at me?" He asks.

"I don't know," I reply, "What if I couldn't come to your concert?"

"I would understand, I wouldn't be such a bitch about it for two days!" he says.

"It is a thing to be a bitch about!" I say.

"You seriously think this is a -" he chuckles, "c'mon Emizie, don't be such a baby. It was just a match,"

"It was just a match for you," I justify, "if it was just a match for me I wouldn't even call you!"

"It literally slipped out of my mind, I'm sorry!" he says.

"You think this isn't even serious," I mutter.

"It's not really serious, it was just a stupid football match -" he stops when he looks at my expression, "Oh god, Emizie, I didn't mean it like that -"

"Just forget it, Michael," I utter, "you just... just forget it. It's all about your work, your artists, your writing, your concerts! Everything is you! You couldn't even remember a small thing like this! You don't even .. you think this was a stupid match!"

"I didn't mean it like that!" he stresses.

"What did you mean then?"

"I'm saying, I have a day off, we should spend time together instead of fighting about something that happened two days back," he says.

"No," I reply, "you're busy, anyway. You have to text your friends, and play video games and what not. Just forget it, I'm going out,"

"You're seriously acting like a clingy girlfriend," he says as I was about to leave.

"And you're seriously acting like an asshole," I say.

"I'm an asshole because I wanna spend time with you?" he argues.

"You're an asshole because you aren't taking what I am saying seriously," I reply.

He just rolls his eyes, "You know what? I actually don't have time for you and your stupid reasons to create drama, if you're leaving then just go."


Skater Girl Meets The World // Michael Clifford.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt