5. Part One

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Harry’s POV

I could see Taylor’s face drop the moment she saw what was going down at the end of the street, but I knew it wasn’t her mother’s car.

When Taylor took off running towards the street corner, I knew it was Niall. I chased after her, because I wanted to be there for her if he wasn’t okay.

As we got closer and closer to the accident, we noticed the paramedics placing Niall’s body onto a stretcher.

“Is he going to be alright?!” Taylor asked, approaching one of the police officers.

He looked to her momentarily, but said nothing. What the hell?!

“Sir, she’s his girlfriend.” I said, trying to get him to answer.

He looked to us again and sighed. “Ma’am, I’m sorry, but it doesn’t look so good.”

“C-can I ride in the ambulance with him?!” Taylor asked. I could tell she was trying to hold back tears.

“I’m afraid not, ma’am.” He replied. “But you can go to the hospital and wait, if you’d like.”

I looked to Taylor and could tell she was trying SO hard not to cry. She watched the paramedics as they loaded Niall’s stretcher quickly onto the back of the ambulance. They shut the doors and jumped inside, driving away as fast as they could.

Suddenly, I pulled Taylor in for a hug, and the tears started to flow from her eyes, staining my shirt.

I stroked her hair, and tried to calm her down, but I knew I couldn’t.

“Come on, Tay, let’s call your mom and get you to the hospital.” I said, leading her to her back to her house.

I let her out of the hug, but I placed my arm around her shoulder and she clung to me as we walked.

Andrea had perfect timing. She pulled into the driveway just as we reached the house.

Andrea jumped out of the car and ran to Taylor, seeing that she was crying.

“What happened baby?!” she asked frantically.

Taylor hid her face in her hands as she cried. She tried to tell her, but she couldn’t.

By now, Andrea saw the flashing lights on the other end of the street and sighed.

“It’s Niall.” I said softly.

With that, Andrea pulled her in for a hug and let her cry on her shoulders.

Author's Note: I know y'all were dying for a new part, so I'm making this chapter 2 parts since I have this written. Part Two will be up later today :)

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