9. Parachute

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Taylor’s POV

It’s been about 2 weeks since Niall’s accident, and I haven’t been back to the hospital since the night I finally stood up to him.

I asked Harry what I should do to prevent telling my parents about it, so for the past few days I told them that I was going to the hospital to visit him, when in reality, I was meeting Harry.

The first few days, we met at the local park to study. But the past few days we had been meeting at random places. Just a few days ago, we met at the movies, and the day after we went out for dinner. It was something that normal friends would do.

I was SO appreciative of how supportive Harry was, and somehow he always seemed to help get my  mind off of Niall.

Today, we were going to the mall. I needed to find a prom dress, and I didn’t want to go myself.

I had noticed since Niall was admitted that I really had no friends. I knew girls on the cheer squad, but I had never really hung out with any of them outside of cheer. I was always too scared that if I made plans without Niall that he would come after me again.

I met Harry at the school because he had stayed after to help one of the teachers.

When I pulled up, he was waiting outside. He pushed his glasses up on his nose before hopping into my car.

“Sorry I’m late, I was having a really important conversation with my mom and time got away from me.” I said, right before driving off.

“That’s fine. I was a little late getting out of class too.” He replied.

I started to drive away and Harry threw his backpack into the backseat.

“Any news about Niall’s release…?” he asked.

“Rumor around the school is that he’ll be released in two days. I don’t know for sure though, because I refuse to contact Niall, and Niall’s parents refuse to contact me since I haven’t been there to visit him.” I replied.

“They’d think differently if they knew the truth, Taylor. Don’t let it get to you. They don’t know.” Harry said, placing a reassuring hand on my leg as I drove.

His touch comforted me in a way no one’s touch ever had before.

“I know. It’s just… I wish I knew how he was… I still care about him, Harry.” I replied.

“You shouldn’t he’s a dick.” He said, strict.

I knew he was right, but I couldn’t help but feel that way.

“So what are we going to the mall for again?” Harry asked.

“I need to find a prom dress.” I replied.

“But prom isn’t for another 2 months…” he said, shocked.

“I know, but if I don’t get a dress now, it’s going to be really hard to find one closer to the date.”

“Well, if you say so…”

“And, Styles, if you plan on going to prom, you need to get a tux soon. Those things are REALLY hard to find close to prom.”

“Are you kidding? I’m not going to prom. It’s an overrated dance with insane after parties where people make dumb decisions.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Sure, you may see it that way, but it’s much more than that. Or at least, I hope so…” I said.

“I’m sorry, Taylor, I just don’t see a reason for me to go to prom.” He replied.

“And that’s perfectly fine. But I need to you to help me pick my dress.”

“I’m not very good with fashion…”

“Sure you are, Styles. You’re one of the biggest nerds I know, and I say that in the nicest way possible, and you have some of the greatest style I’ve ever seen a guy have.”

This time, he laughed. “Thanks, Tay.”

“I’m being serious!” I said.

He smiled, then turned the radio up. One of my favorite songs was on and I couldn’t help but sing along.

Stay with me, baby stay with me tonight don’t leave me alone. Walk with me, come and walk with me to the edge of all we’ve ever known. I could see you there with the city lights, 14th floor, pale blue eyes I can breathe you in. Two shadows standing by the bedroom door, no I could not want you more than I did right then as our heads leaned in.”

For the chorus, Harry joined in. It surprised me that he even knew this song. It was by a smaller band that I loved, nonetheless.

Well, I'm not sure what this is gonna be, but with my eyes closed all I see is the skyline, through the window, the moon above you and the streets below. Hold my breath as you're moving in, taste your lips and feel your skin. When the time comes, baby don't run, just kiss me slowly.”

We sang the entire song together, and Harry softly used the dashboard as a drum. When the song was over, Harry was the first to speak.

“You have an impressive voice.” He said.

I smiled. “Thank you. I’ve been singing since I could talk. And you’re not too bad yourself, Styles.”

I turned to look to him momentarily and saw him blush.

“Thanks… No one really knows that I sing.” He replied.

“Why not? You’re impressive!”

“It’s not cool for a guy to sing.”

“Oh shut up, it’s really cool when guys sing.” I replied.

He shook his head and said nothing else. Something was wrong with him singing, and I could tell he didn’t want to talk about it, so instead I changed the subject.

“So how do you know who Parachute is…?” I asked him.

“My friend Louis is a fan, and through him listening to their music, I’ve become a fan myself. That song is probably my favorite one.” He replied.

“If you look in the side of your door, there’s a Parachute cd. Will you get it out and pop it in the cd player?” I asked.

He nodded and quickly did as I said.

White Dress started playing.

“This is one of my favorites.” I said, finding the volume nob and turning it up.

“You know what…? Now that I think about it, this song totally reminds me of you.” Harry replied.

I laughed. “Why do you say that?”

“I just… Nevermind.”

Well, that was weird…

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