33. The Secret's Out

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Harry’s POV

A week later, I didn’t go to school on Friday to go to a checkup on my leg. The doctor said that it was healing up well and that I shouldn’t need to wear my crutches anymore. He had advised me to keep it wrapped up but that after another week or two I should be back to normal.

As soon as I got out of the office with Johannah, I texted Taylor to tell her I was no longer required to wear crutches.

She quickly responded. ‘OMG YAY! :) If you come to school now, you can still come to the football game tonight and watch me cheer!”

I laughed at her response. She knew I didn’t really care to go to football games, but I was happy to go and watch her if it made her happy.

I asked Johannah to take me up to the school and she quickly agreed.

When I arrived, I walked into the office with Johannah off of my crutches for the first time. My leg felt a little weird at first, but I soon got used to it and was happy to not have to deal with crutches anymore.

Johannah signed me in and I walked off to my class. Coincidently, it was science class. The smile on Taylor’s face when I walked in without my crutches was indescribable.

“Hello, Mr. Styles! I see you don’t have your crutches!” Mrs. Smith said, stopping mid-teach.

“Yes ma’am. I’m healing.” I replied, walking over to my desk. I leaned down and softly kissed Taylor’s cheek before sitting down as Mrs. Smith started teaching again.

Tonight was a big night for our football team. I made sure to arrive at the stadium early so that I could hopefully find a seat, but even with an hour before the game started, the stands were packed.

I decided to go around the back of the stands and to the other side where most of the other students sat. I was hoping that I could find Louis and sit with him for the night. But what I found was MUCH more interesting.

At first, I thought my vision was going blurry and that what I was seeing couldn’t be possible. But I soon realized it was VERY real. And also that I probably wasn’t SUPPOSED to be seeing it.

There was Louis. But with Zayn. And their tongues were shoved down each other’s throats.

I cleared my throat, hoping that maybe they’d hear me over the loud voices from the crowd in the stands above us.

They heard me. They pulled away and Louis looked to me, his face full of shock and embarrassment.

“Hey…” I said, awkwardly.

“Harry, I…” Louis started as Zayn threw his hands to his face.

“No, Louis you don’t have to explain. Is this what you’ve been doing lately…?” I asked, calmly. I was afraid he thought I was judging him. But I wasn’t. I was just surprised.

Louis nodded his head yes and Zayn started to slowly walk away.

“NO. Don’t leave. I interrupted you guys. I’ll leave.” I said, walking away to go find an empty spot in the bleachers.

When I found a seat, I got out my phone to pass the extra time. I already had a text message from Louis.

‘Please don’t tell my parents about this. They’d FLIP.’

I quickly responded.

‘No worries, dude. I got your back. :)’

And I did. My best friend was happily in a relationship, and I was happily in a relationship. How could it get any better than this?

Sorry it's so short, I just wanted to update for you guys. :)  

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