40. Prom

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Harry's POV

When we arrived at the prom venue, Louis and Zayn quickly went to find the four of us a table while Taylor and I took our time and looked around.

There were already students on the dance floor, dancing along to the overly played song Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke.

I took Taylor's hand in mine, intertwining our fingers as we walked through the crowds of students.

Girls that I recognized from the cheer leading squad were commenting on Taylor's dress and telling her how pretty she was as we walked and she said her thank yous as we kept walking.

When we found a good spot on the dance floor, we started dancing along to the next song that the DJ played, Get Lucky by Daft Punk. Taylor started shaking her hips back and forth and making silly faces towards me. I placed my hand on the small of her back and pulled her close as we both started shaking our hips back and forth. I leaned my head to where my lips were close to her ear.

"You wanna know something?" I whispered.

I saw a smile creep onto her face. "What?" She asked.

"You're a million times more beautiful than any girl here tonight." I said.

I heard a laugh escape from her mouth before she leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks, Harry." she replied.

"It's no problem."

A few minutes later, Zayn and Louis joined us on the dance floor. They had saved us all a table just in case any of us got tired of dancing and just wanted to sit.

Soon, it was time for the first slow dance. The DJ turned on the song Nightingale by Demi Lovato.

I placed my hands on the small of Taylor's waist and pulled her close. She wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on my chest as we rocked back and forth to the beat of the music.

The rest of the night was basically the same. We slow danced and grinded and did almost any type of dance imaginable, mostly with Zayn and Louis.

It was altogether a great night that went by a little too fast.

When we left the venue, Louis, Zayn, Taylor, and I drove to the hotel that we had reserved rooms in for the night. Taylor's parents knew we would be out late and after some convincing, she had convinced them to let her stay the night with us. But what they didn't know was that Louis and Zayn were staying in one room and Taylor and I were staying in another.

Once again, I wasn't going to force Taylor into anything, but if she wanted to make love once again, I was 100% okay with that.

The four of us checked in and got our room keys before heading to the elevator and to our rooms.

Our rooms were right next to each other and we said our goodbyes before emerging into our separate rooms.

When Taylor and I were alone, I pulled her close and softly kissed her lips.

"Tonight was the best." I said softly, holding her close.

"It wasn't too shabby." Taylor replied, laughing. "But I know what could make it better."

I raised my eyebrows, curious as to what she was talking about.

"What could make it better?" I asked.

She didn't say anything. Instead, she pressed her lips against mine and quickly shoved her tongue in my mouth before softly squeezing my ass.

I smiled into our kiss before wrapping my arms around her.

Soon, things were heated and we were both lying on the hotel bed naked.

"You know, I don't think you can get anymore perfect." I said, swiping a piece of hair behind her ear.

She didn't say anything, but a huge smile crossed her face.

I kissed her once again and positioned myself above her before slowly inserting myself into her. We found a rhythm that had both of us going crazy.

Eventually, we both finished together and after pulling out for the final time, I wrapped my arms around her body and we cuddled close.

"I love you, Harry. Thank you for everything." Taylor said, tracing patterns on one of my arms.

"I love you, too."

And after a few moments, we fell asleep in each others arms.

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