31. Ross and Rachel

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Taylor’s POV

Today was Harry’s first day back at school. Louis told me that he would drive Harry and that I didn’t need to stress out about it.

I made sure to get to school early, hoping to beat Louis and Harry so that I could help him out of the car and get him to his classes.

Almost as soon as I pulled into the parking lot, I saw Louis pull into the parking lot. He parked right next to me and I quickly went to the passenger side.

I hadn’t seen Harry all weekend, so I was excited to see him again.

“Hi, babe.” Harry softly said, smiling.

“Hi!” I replied, leaning down to kiss him.

He kissed me back, then I opened the back of the car and grabbed his crutches.

Louis grabbed his bags out of the trunk and I helped Harry get out of the car and get settled in on his crutches.

Once he was ready, I grabbed my backpack out of my car and we started to slowly walk inside.

Louis had every class with Harry that I didn’t and so I trusted that he would take good care of Harry while we went our separate ways.

The kids at school seemed to be a little happy that Harry was back. People were treating him nicely and actually acknowledging him instead of ignoring him like they used too.

I didn’t really know if that was because he was dating me or because he was injured and someone they all used to look up to had injured him.

When it was time for science class, I met Louis and Harry in the hallway and grabbed Harry’s bags from Louis and helped Harry walk into the classroom.

Mrs. Smith was very happy to see Harry and she even attempted to hug him, but soon realized she really couldn’t because of Harry’s crutches.

“It’s so good to have you back in class, Mr. Styles. And your tutoring has really rubbed off on Miss Swift. She received am 86 on her last exam.” Mrs. Smith said, placing a comforting hand on my arm.

“Oh really?! She didn’t mention this!” Harry said, looking at me like he was a little upset with me. I knew he was playing and that he was actually proud of me.

“She didn’t?! Well. I guess I ruined the surprise then!” Mrs. Smith said, laughing, then looking to me.

I smiled at her, then laughed a little as well.

“Oh, and I moved Miss Jackson to your normal seat Miss Swift that way you can sit next to Mr. Styles. I know you’re going to need some help, and he’s going to need your help as well as he recovers from his injury.” She added.

I smiled, and thanked her before we made our way back to our seats.

After helping Harry get settled into his seat, I got our science books out of our backpacks and placed his on his desk.

“It was nice of Mrs. Smith to let us sit next to each other. BUT I just hope we don’t get each other in trouble.” Harry said, winking at the last part.

I could feel my cheeks turn red as I reached for Harry’s hand under his desk.

He quickly intertwined our fingers and scooted his chair closer to his desk.


After school, Louis claimed that he had plans, though he wouldn’t tell us what those plans were, so I drove Harry to his house.

“Louis’ parents are taking the girls out to a movie and ice cream tonight and who knows when Louis will be back, so do you want to come in?” Harry asked before getting out of my car.

“Sure. But only if you want me to.” I said, taking the keys out of the ignition.

“Of course I want you to.” Harry replied.

I smiled, then unbuckled to get out of the car and help Harry get into the house.

When we got inside, I helped Harry to the couch.

“Can I get you anything? Water? A snack?” I asked.

Harry laughed. “You’re at MY house. You’re MY guest. I don’t expect any special treatment from you!”

“I know it’s your house, but you’re injured and as your girlfriend, I feel obliged to take care of you.” I replied, sitting down next to him on the couch.

“Well thank you, I appreciate that. But I don’t need anything at the moment.” Harry said, placing his arm around my neck.

He grabbed the TV remote as I laid my head on his chest.

Friends was on and it was the final episode. It was at the part where Ross and Phoebe were chasing down Rachel before she got on her flight.

“This episode always makes me cry.” I said, laughing.

“Me too. I don’t know what I would’ve done if Rachel wouldn’t have gotten off of the plane.” Harry replied.

“Me neither. It would’ve made this series end on a really sucky note.”

Harry nodded and we kept watching.

After a few minutes, Harry spoke again.

“Ya know who Ross and Rachel remind me of?” he asked.

“Who?” I replied.

“Us. Ross is geeky and lame and people make fun of him and Rachel is this really hot girl who has a bunch of friends, yet they somehow found each other and became friends. Then they became more. Their love is different than a lot of relationships today. Except for ours…”

I found myself smiling like an idiot before leaning in to kiss him.

“You’re perfect, ya know that?” I asked him when I pulled away.

He responded just moments later with “No, you are.” 

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