39. The Pick Up

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Taylor’s POV

The night of prom, I didn’t feel the need to get ready with anyone. None of my cheer friends really talked to me outside of cheer and Harry, Louis, and Zayn (aka my 3 best friends on this entire planet) were getting ready together. So my mom helped me get ready. I got my hair done around 2 and then went home to get my makeup on and get into my dress.

I slipped into the dress I had bought a few months back and it still fit almost perfectly. It still hugged my hips and flew out at the bottom perfect. But looking at myself in the mirror, all I could think about was Niall. When I had bought this dress, I had bought it for my date with Niall not Harry. Things had changed so much since then.

I sighed and noticed my mom in the background.

“Thinking about Niall…?” she asked.

She always knew what I was thinking.

I nodded, biting my lip to try and hold back emotions.

“Don’t cry, you’ll mess up your makeup. Think about Harry tonight, hun. Don’t let that jerk, Niall, even enter your thoughts.” She added, walking over to me and pulling me into a hug. “You look absolutely gorgeous.”

I smiled. “Thanks, mom.”

She patted my back a few times, then kissed my temple before walking out.

I looked at myself once again in the mirror and sighed. She was right. Tonight was about Harry and I, and I didn’t need to waste my thoughts on Niall.

After a few minutes, I was ready to go. Harry, Louis, and Zayn were all picking me up around 5:30 so that we could get pictures taken and then go to the location of prom.

This year, prom was being held in the school’s gym because the prom committee decided that they didn’t have enough of a budget to have it anywhere else. This pissed all of us seniors off because it was our last prom and our one last big hurrah before graduation. But Harry didn’t seem to care. ‘Who cares where the location is as long as we have fun, right?’ he had said. And he was right. That’s all I needed to think about. Harry always thought positive about everything and I loved that about him.

Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring and my mom called my name. I knew my parents AND Austin, along with Harry and maybe Zayn and Louis were going to be waiting for me downstairs, so I took one last look in the mirror before heading downstairs.

I carefully walked in my heels, trying not to drip on the ends of the dress. When Harry came into view, I saw a huge smile on his face. He was waiting at the bottom of the staircase with his hand out for me to grab.

“You look absolutely stunning.” He whispered, not able to wipe the smile off of his face. He grabbed my hand and helped me down the last step and then pulled me in for a hug.

I blushed. “Thank you.”

When I realized that Zayn and Louis weren’t around, I guessed that they had stayed in the car. Louis was driving us to prom.

“Let me get a few pictures before you guys leave.” My mom said, getting her camera ready.

We stood side by side, Harry carefully placing his hand on my waist. I placed one hand on his back and the other on his stomach before smiling.

“1, 2, 3!” my mom said, the camera flashing. She took a few pictures before we let go of each other.

“Alright you guys. Have fun! But not too much fun…” my dad said, cutting in.

Harry walked over and shook his hand. “Yes sir.”

“But if you want to have a little fun, make sure you use protection.” Austin added in, throwing a box of condoms at Harry, catching him off guard.

Harry started laughing hysterically, but I just stood there in awe, embarrassed at what my little brother had just done.

“AUSTIN! REALLY?!” I said, picking up the box off of the floor and handing them back over to him.

“What?! With my sister looking as beautiful as she does right now who WOULDN’T want to have a little fun with you. Aside from me of course…” Austin replied.

I smiled. I couldn’t dare be mad at him after a comment like that.

After that, Harry and I said our goodbyes and I watched as Harry and Austin did a special handshake before Austin slipped the box of condoms back in Harry’s hands.

I rolled my eyes, but made sure they didn’t see. What was wrong with a little fun, right?

After we said goodbye, we walked outside and I was greeted by Zayn and Louis.

“DAYUM GURL if I was straight I’d be trying to steal your girl, Harry! You look sexy!!!” Louis said, looking up and down my body before pulling me into a hug.

“Thanks, Lou. My brother seemed to think so too.” I said, pointing to Harry as I pulled away.

Harry smiled, pulling out the box of condoms to show off to his friends.

“Wow, approval from the sibling, that’s a good sign!” Zayn said, laughing.

“What are y’all waiting for?! Get in the car! We don’t want to be late!” Louis said.

With that, Harry and I climbed into the backseat and we were off.

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