38. Apologies

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Taylor’s POV

I didn’t even hear the words coming out of Harry’s mouth. All I could hear was the sound of my heart pounding as I looked towards the boy standing in the trees behind Harry.

There he was. Standing there with a creepy grin on his face.

“N-no?” I heard Harry ask, breaking my gaze.

I looked down at his shirt and saw the words ‘Prom?’ written on his shirt, then realized he had just asked me to prom and I had said no.

“NO! I mean, yes! I’ll go to prom with you! But…” I stopped, not able to tell him what I had just seen and what was still standing behind him.

But I didn’t have too. Zayn saw what I had seen.

“Harry…” he said, looking from Harry to Niall.

Harry turned around and saw Niall and he started to walk towards us.

“Hello. Long time no see!” he said, smiling as he shoved his hands into his pocket.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” Harry said, his teeth clenched together.

“Don’t worry, Styles, I’m not here to hurt anyone.” He replied, throwing his hands up in defense.

“Then what are you here for?!” Zayn replied. He seemed almost as mad as Harry, which sort of surprised me.

“I’m here to apologize. Not only to Taylor, but to all of you.” Niall said, sighing.

“Yeah right. You’ve done enough, Niall. Just leave.” Zayn replied, stepping ahead of Louis, Harry, and I.

“Zayn. Stop. Just let me talk.” Niall said.

Before Zayn could do anything, Niall spoke.

“Jail has really changed me. I realized how horrible I was to you, Taylor, and I got my payback when I was in there. I don’t ever expect you to get back with me, or to even forgive me. But I just want to say that I’m sorry. Really, really sorry. To all of you. Harry, I’m sorry for being such a dick to you. I’m sorry for shooting you. You don’t have to forgive me, really, I just need to apologize.” He said.

I could hear in his voice that he was being sincere. Niall may have done many horrible things to me, but that didn’t mean he didn’t love me and that we hadn’t ever had serious moments.

“Thank you for apologizing, Niall. But I’m with Harry now, and the things you’ve done to me are unforgivable.” I replied.

Niall nodded his head and stuck his hands back in his pocket.

“I understand.” He added.

“Alright, Niall, you’ve said what you needed to say. So now you can go.” Zayn said, harshly.

Niall nodded, then turned around and walked away.

When he was out of sight, Harry placed a hand on the small of my back and we turned around to walk to Louis’ car.

“I still don’t believe a word he said.” Louis said, his voice harsh.

“Me either. I never will believe anything that comes out of his mouth.” Harry replied.

I sighed. Was it bad that I believed him and that I felt sorry for him…?

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