41. Huge Mistake

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Harry's POV

The next morning, Louis and Zayn dropped Taylor and I off at Taylor's home. Unlike Taylor and I, Zayn and Louis had gotten no sleep last night so they were headed home to sleep the day away.

I knew I could walk home from Taylor's so I decided to stay at her home for a while until her parents or her brother got home.

Taylor popped in a movie while I went into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I looked on the island and noticed a tray of chocolate chip cookies with a note on top and couldn't help but laugh.

"What?" Taylor asked from the living room.

"Your mom baked us cookies. With a lovely little note that reads," I started, clearing my throat before imitating Andrea's voice. "Figured I'd leave you two cookies. Hope last night wasn't TOO fun. ;) -Mama Swift."

Taylor erupted into laughter. "Wow, your impression of my mom is spot on."

I smiled before grabbing the tray of cookies, along with my water, and walking into the living room.

Taylor had turned on Despicable Me, which was one of her favorites. She could almost quote the entire movie.

We cuddled close together and ate a few cookies as we watched the movie and before we knew it, Austin was home.

"Hey..." He said awkwardly as he walked into the living room. "How was prom?"

"It was really great! Such a great way to end all school dances I'll ever go to!" Taylor said, squeezing my hand.

"Good. Did you, uh, use what I gave you...?" He asked, nervously.

"AUSTIN!" Taylor yelled, obviously not wanting to answer.

I couldn't help but smile.

"You know what, I don't need or WANT to know that just forget I ever asked." Austin said.

I pulled my hand out of Taylor's hand and stood up.

"I should really be going. Thanks for a lovely night, Taylor." I said, leaning down to kiss her.

As I walked to the door I spoke once again. "Nice to see you again, Austin."

"You too!" He replied, waving to me.

With that, I walked out the door.

As I walked down the driveway, I noticed a figure across the street and soon recognized it though I wished I hadn't.

"Hello, Harry." He said, emerging and walking across the street onto Taylor's lawn.

"What are you doing here, Niall?!" I asked, my teeth clenched.

"Just checking on Taylor. Prom was last night, wasn't it?" He replied, unusually calm.

"Yeah." I replied, getting tense.

"Isn't Taylor great in bed?" He asked, a smirk on his face that I wanted to slap off of him.

"Excuse you?!" I said, trying to hold back how angry I really was.

"I said SHE'S GREAT IN BED, ISN'T SHE? Did you enjoy my sloppy seconds? You know, I only stayed with her for the sex."

With that, I felt myself explode. I had no control over my body anymore and soon my fist was in Niall's nose. I pushed him onto the ground, which didn't take much. I was soon straddling his stomach and throwing my fist into his face multiple times. I could see the blood stains on my fist as I lifted it up and down, slamming it down multiple times as Niall screamed out for help.

Soon, I felt someone pulling me off of Niall and I heard Taylor.

"HARRY STOP!!!" She screamed.

If I wouldn't have heard her voice I probably would've punched Austin, who had pulled me off of Niall.

Niall slowly got up off of the ground, wiping off the blood that was running out of his nose.

"Get out of here!! And don't you even THINK about coming back!" I screamed at him, Austin holding me back from hitting him again.

Niall quickly turned around and walked to a nearby car. He got inside, started it, and quickly drove off.

"Harry... Let me drive you home..." Taylor quietly said.

Austin helped me over to Taylor's car and I got into the passenger seat.

Taylor got in the driver's side and started the car, saying goodbye to her brother before starting to drive away.

The ride to my house was silent. She didn't even turn the radio on.

But when we got to my home, before I could get out of the car she spoke.

"Harry... What was that?" She asked. I could hear the nervousness in her voice.

"He asked me if I enjoyed his sloppy seconds and then proceeded to tell me he only liked you for the sex. So then I proceeded to beat the shit out of him." I replied, afraid to look her in the eyes.

"You don't understand, Harry. He could go to the police for this. He could press charges..." She said.

"He knows better than to press charges. He knows I'll win because of the things he's done to me." I replied.

She didn't respond and for the first time in the car ride, I looked to her and noticed that she was crying.

"Tay, what's wrong?" I asked, swiping a strand of hair behind her ear and pulling her chin up with my finger to get her to look me in the eyes.

"You... You're what's wrong. Niall was violent and you were violent right now. I'm SCARED of you right now, Harry. What of you had done that to..."

She couldn't finish what she was going to say but she didn't need to.

"Taylor, I would never hurt you. You know that, right?" I asked.

"I thought I knew that... But I don't know anymore... I think it'd be best if you gave me some time to think right now."

"Are you breaking up with me...?"

She bit her lip and a tear fell from her eye before she softly nodded her head.

"I need some time, Harry. You hitting Niall like that was just too real for me."

I sighed, but leaned in and softly kissed her cheek.

"I'll be waiting. And I'm sorry, Taylor." I said.

With that, I got out of the car and ran inside, hoping she couldn't see the year that emerged from my eyes.

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