20. Surprise

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Harry’s POV

I awakened to the sound of beeping. I instantly felt pain in my thigh.

My eyes fluttered open, taking in my surroundings.

Taylor was on the right side of my hospital bed in a chair and Louis was sitting on a couch on the left side of the room.

“Hey, Styles.” Taylor said, smiling as she grabbed my hand.

“Hey.” I croaked, noticing it was sort of hard to talk. “What happened? After I passed out…”

“The ambulance arrived just a few minutes after you passed out. They brought you here and immediately took you into surgery. The gunshot wound wasn’t too bad, but you lost a lot of blood. They removed the bullet and stitched you up, and you should be fine once you fully recover.” Taylor replied, squeezing my hand.

“So, I’m going to be alright?” I asked eagerly.

She let out a laugh. “Yes, Harry, you should be perfectly fine.”

By now, Louis had gotten up off of the couch and stood by the other side of the bed.

“Well then come here and give your boyfriend a kiss.” I said, teasing Taylor.

She rolled her eyes playfully but did as I said.

“Alright you love birds, I’m sure my parents would love to know that Harry’s okay, so I’m going to go get them from the food court.” Louis said, patting the bed before walking towards the door.

“They’re here?” I asked.

“Of course they are. You’re one of us now and they’re really worried.” Louis replied.

With that, he exited the room.

“Thank god you’re okay. I don’t know how I’d pass science without you!” Taylor joked.

I smiled at her, taking her hand. “If you weren’t cute, I’d be pretty offended right now.”

Taylor laughed, throwing her head back.

Suddenly, she looked to me, a serious expression on her face.

“I thought I was going to lose you…” she whispered.

“You can’t lose me that easily, Swift.” I replied, rubbing my fingers up and down her arm.

“I was so scared… I never thought Niall would go that far. I’m sorry for bringing you into this. I knew the minute Mrs. Smith paired us together it couldn’t be a good idea, but I never thought it’d go this far…” Taylor started.

“HEY. Look at me. This isn’t your fault. Do NOT blame yourself.” I said, tightening my grip on her arms to let her know how serious I was.

She buried her head in her hands and I could tell she was crying.

“I can’t help it.” She said.

I sat up slowly in my bed, trying to pull her in for a hug and comfort her as best as I possibly could.

“If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s mine. You warned me of how dangerous he was, but I stayed with you in hopes that we could be more than friends. And look at us now.” I said, lifting up her chin.

She bit her lip and I softly kissed her lips.

Suddenly, we heard someone clear their throat in the doorway.

It was Louis.

“My parents are right behind me, so stop the PDA for now. And Taylor, your parents are on their way. Your mom called mine to tell her.” Louis said, his arms crossed.

What was his problem…? He’s the one who told me weeks ago that I needed to jump on her because she was a ‘sex godess’ and now he just seemed pissed.

Moments later, Louis’ mom and stepdad entered the room. They instantly were by my side, Johannah hugging me as tightly as she could without hurting me.

“I’m so glad you’re alright.” She said.

When she let me go, I fist bumped Dan.

“I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you. I made a promise to your mother before she passed that I would do everything I could to protect you, and now… I don’t know what to do.” Johannah said.

Oh no, not again. I didn’t want anyone else to cry. I was okay, and I wish people would think about that, and not about what could have happened.

“I, uh, I’m sorry to interrupt but is there a Miss Taylor Swift here?” a voice said from in the doorway.

I looked to the door and saw a police officer standing there, a look of concern on his face.

“That’s me, officer.” Taylor said.

“You’re under arrest for attempted murder.”

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