13. Injured

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Harry’s POV

After school, I was going to talk to one of my teachers then I was planning on going over to Louis’. It was Thursday, so Taylor had cheer.

After talking to my teacher, I started to walk towards the front entrance of the school when suddenly I saw Niall turn the corner. I tried turning the other direction in hopes that he didn’t see me, but it was too late.

“Hey Styles, where’s my girl?” he asked.

I stopped walking and rolled my eyes, my back to him.

“He’s not your girl, Niall.” I replied. My back was still towards him, but I spoke loud enough so I knew he could hear me.

“What’d you say?!” he replied.

I heard his hard footsteps on the ground as he approached me.

“You heard me. She broke up with you. It’s over.” I said.

Now, I turned around and realized he was only a few feet from me.

“She may have said that, but doesn’t mean I’m going to let her get away from me.” Niall replied.

“Keep your hands off of her. She doesn’t need a dickhead like you.” I said.

Suddenly, I felt a strong fist hit my eye, causing my glasses to fly across the floor. I was instantly in pain.

But that didn’t stop me from fighting back. I pushed him back so hard that he fell on his ass.

“I’d suggest you leave before you get hurt, Horan.” I said.

“This isn’t over.” He quietly replied, struggling to get up.

When he finally could stand, he ran out of the building.

Once he was out of sight, I reached down to the ground to retrieve my glasses, barely caring about how much pain I was in. He probably left a mark, but I didn’t care because I had just scared the shit out of him.

“Harry…” I heard a soft voice say behind me. I quickly recognized it.

“Taylor… I, uh, did you see all of that…?” I asked, nervously running my fingers through my hair.

“Yeah…” she replied.

Suddenly, her scared movements turned into looks of concern.

“Are you okay?! Your eye is really red.” She said, placing her small, delicate hand on my cheek.

“Yeah, I’m good. I wasn’t ready for him to punch me like that…” I replied.

“Let’s take you to my house and get you fixed up!” she said, looping our arms together and starting to walk.

“Tay, it’s okay. I don’t need that.” I said, trying to stop her.

“Stop fighting, Styles, you don’t have a choice.” She replied, smiling.

I smiled back and didn’t resist anymore.

When we reached Taylor’s house, she immediately took me into her bathroom and pulled out a first aid kit. Her parents weren’t home, and Austin was at a friend’s house so once again we were alone.

“I’m gonna go get a little ice pack so we can stop the swelling. Don’t go anywhere.” She said, handing me the first aid kit.

I smiled as she walked out. She was absolutely perfect.

She returned a few minutes later with an ice pack in her hand.

“Here.” She said, holding the pack up to my eye. “Hold this in place.”

When I pulled my hand up to take the ice pack from her, our hands brushed and I saw Taylor jump a little. Was she nervous?

I was a little tired of standing, so I jumped up and sat on the edge of the counter, my hand still holding the ice pack in place.

“Thank you for this, Taylor.” I said.

Taylor’s face got a light pink color as she smiled.

“It’s nothing. Just helping out an injured friend.” She replied. “By the way, thank you… for sticking up for me. It means a lot.”

“It’s nothing. Just helping out an injured friend…” I replied.

Suddenly, she started to lean in and so did I.

Before I knew it, our lips were touching.

I removed the ice pack from my eye and pulled her body closer to mine.

She stood in between my legs on her tippy toes as I still sat on the counter.

This kiss wasn’t like our first one. This one was more heated. Taylor reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck and suddenly stuck her tongue to my lips, asking for entrance.

I was hesitant at first because I had never done this. In fact, Taylor had been my first kiss. But I soon let her in and as weird as it was at first, I soon was starting to enjoy as our tongues battled together.

When we pulled away, we smiled at each other.

“Why didn’t I see how great of a guy you were before now…? We’ve known each other since we were little.” She asked.

I laughed a little. “Ya know, I could say the same about you. I’ve always had a crush on you. It’s a little unreal to think about now.”

She laughed as well, then kissed me once more.

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