32. Sweep You Off Your Feet

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Harry’s POV

By the end of the week, I was getting used to wobbling around school on my crutches. With a little help from Taylor, I had also finished up my makeup work and was back on track with my classes.

After school on Friday, Taylor invited me to her house so we could be alone.

All week, Louis’ parents had been home and we hadn’t been able to lounge around like we normally did. Johannah always made conversation with Taylor and we had never gotten alone time. But tonight, Taylor’s parents were going with Austin to his baseball banquet and Austin’s girlfriend had taken Austin’s 4th ticket, leaving Taylor alone.

Before school, Louis had taken me to a RedBox to rent a few movies. “Why do you  need movies? Aren’t you guys gonna be too busy having wild sex?” Louis had asked.

Even him just saying the words ‘wild sex’ made me feel uncomfortable.

I was a teenage boy, so of course I had had dirty thoughts about Taylor, but I didn’t want to rush things. Especially because of Taylor’s past with Niall. I didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. And besides, I was a virgin and I was a little nervous to think about losing it to such a wonderful girl. I didn’t know if I’d ever come in that kind of contact with a girl like her ever again.

“No, Louis. We haven’t had sex yet.” I had replied.

“Well why the hell not? I may like men, but I know a hot girl when I see one.” He replied.

We didn’t speak much of it after that.

When Taylor and I arrived at her home, she grabbed our bags and helped me inside.

“My mom let us cookies.” She yelled when she went into the kitchen to set her things down.

She emerged a few minutes later with a tray of chocolate chip cookies and sat down on the couch next to me.

“Your mom’s cookies are my favorite thing on this entire planet.” I said, starting to grab one off of the tray.

Before I could grab one, Taylor smacked my hand away.

“What was that – “ before I could finish, my gaze met her and I noticed how pissed she looked.

After a moment, I realized what she was doing.

“After you of course, babe.” I added, winking at her.

She wasn’t buying it.

“Come on, Taylor. You know I love you.” I said.

She was taken aback by my words.

“You… you what?” she whispered, a slight smile on her face.

I realized in that moment that I had never told her that to her face, just said it about a thousand times in my head.

“I love you, Taylor.” I said again, wiping a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She bit her lip and I watched the shades of red get brighter and brighter in her face.

“I love you too, Harry.” She replied, smiling.

I leaned in and softly kissed her. She broke off the kiss fairly quickly, which worried me. But my worries soon slipped away because I realized she was just setting the cookies aside.

When she leaned back up, her lips were instantly back on mine.

After a few moments it was starting to get steamy and our tongues were fighting for dominance.

I wanted nothing more than to sweep her off of her feet and carry upstairs to do the things that Louis had wished we had done way before today, but I knew I shouldn’t.

And… I couldn’t. I would fall over.

Suddenly, I had to pull away and I couldn’t contain my laughter at the thought of me trying to carry her up the stairs with my injury.

Taylor didn’t look quite as amused.

“What are you laughing at…?” she asked.

“I just… I had this image in my head of me sweeping you off of your feet and carrying you upstairs to your bedroom, but then I remembered I’m injured and we probably just end up falling on each other.” I replied.

This time, she joined in on the laughing.

“I appreciate the thought though.” Taylor said when she could contain herself again.

“No problem.” I started, just staring at her and smiling. “I’d honestly do anything to sweep you off of your feet right now.”

She smiled back, and took my hand, softly squeezing it.

“You’ll get too soon, babe.” 

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