28. Caught

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Harry’s POV

The next morning after Louis and his sisters left for school and Louis’ parents went to work, I sat around in my room watching tv.

Larissa finally made it over a little before lunch time.

When the doorbell rang, I slowly and carefully made my way downstairs with my crutches, having to stop several times.

“JUST A SECOND.” I screamed, hoping she’d hear me.

I reached the door and opened it cautiously, hoping that I wouldn’t fall.

“Hey!” Larissa said, smiling.

“Hi!” I replied, putting all my support on my crutches again.

I then hobbled over to the couch, plopping down as soon as I reached it.

“How are you feeling?” she asked, following me over to the couch.

“Eh. I’m better, I guess. But a bullet in your thigh isn’t exactly a great feeling.” I replied, hoping to get a laugh out of her.

That’s exactly what I did.

“You’re just as funny as I remember you, Harry.” She said, smiling.

It was a smile I was so familiar with. One that had gotten me through a lot when my mom was in such critical condition.

“Oh yeah…?” I asked, looking down at my leg.

I propped my foot up on the coffee table and set my crutches to the side.

“Yeah. Your humor was something that got me through the rough days at the hospital.” She said, looking down at my leg.

I was wearing a loose pair of black basketball shorts, so she reached down and softly pushed up the pant leg that covered my bandaged thigh.

There were a few blood stains but other than that it looked perfectly fine.

“I was prepared to replace your bandage, but it looks pretty good. I don’t think you need it.” Larissa said, pulling the pant leg back down.

She smiled up at me and neither of us said anything for a few moments.

“You look good, Harry.” She whispered, her face just inches from mine.

I didn’t really know what to do.

“I wanted to do this back when we liked each other when your mom was in the hospital, but I never found the right time. I think now is the right time.”

This time when she spoke, she started to close the gap in between us.

Before I could pull away or even really realize what she was doing, I heard a door slam shut, causing me to jump and Larissa to pull away.

We both turned at the same time, seeing Taylor in the doorway.

I could see tears in her eyes and I instantly stood up out of habit to try and run to her, but instantly fell back down in pain.

“It’s not what it looks like.” I said, noticing a bag of food in her hand.

“I come to bring you lunch, and I find you about to kiss your nurse?! I knew it was weird for the front door to be unlocked. DAMN IT, STYLES I KNEW THIS WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.” Taylor screamed, tossing the food onto the ground.

“TAYLOR. Stop! Please!” I said, wishing with all that I had that I could get up and stop her from walking out that door.

She turned back around and faced me, tears running down her face.

“Look, Larissa, whatever we had when my mom was in the hospital is over with. It ended when my mom died and we didn’t stay in contact. It was just a simple crush. We never could’ve worked. You’re a nice girl, okay, but I’ve found someone else. Someone who means the world to me. She’s been through enough and I don’t want anything to get in the way.” I said, looking at Larissa.

She sighed, but nodded her head.

“I’m sorry.” She whispered to me.

“It’s okay.” I whispered back.

“And I’m sorry to you, too. When you spent your free time at the hospital with him, I should’ve known you two were dating…” Larissa said, turning to Taylor. “Please forgive him, it’s not his fault.”

I looked to Taylor once again and watched her wipe the tears from under her eyes and she seemed to calm down, even if only a little.

“Thank you for that…” Taylor said quietly.

With that, Larissa got up off of the couch.

“I’m gonna go… Maybe I can get a different nurse to come check on you.” She said.

“No. I want Harry in the best care he can possibly have. You said you were sorry, and if Harry could trust you with his mother, then I can trust you with Harry.” Taylor replied.

Larissa sighed.

Wow, Taylor was the most incredible girl I had ever met. How could she just trust her like that…?

“Thank you.” Larissa replied, smiling at Taylor before walking out.

When she was gone, Taylor picked up the McDonald’s bag up off of the floor.

“I brought you lunch…” she said, slowly approaching me.

“Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” I replied, smiling as I took the bag of food from her.

“Sure I did. My boyfriend can barely walk around the house, let alone fix himself some food.” She said, sitting down next to me.

“You’re wonderful, you know that?” I asked, pulling out a few fries and stuffing my face.

“I don’t know about all that, but thank you.” She replied.

“You want some?” I asked, holding out a fry.

“No thank you. I ate on the way here.” She said, pushing my hand away.

After a few moments, I leaned in and kissed her because she was mine and I was hers.

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