Kitchen Runs

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The chill of the stone floor ate through my tights as I read through the chapters for Wednesday's lesson. Day one and we already had homework, but that was to be expected from McGonagall. There was a lot to get through in Transfiguration, and at least it was interesting work. I had been stuck on the same page for longer than I would care to admit, the book sprawled on the tiles before me. I had made it through my first day, all of my classes, pushing Tommy from my mind, but here he was now that I had a moment alone.

We would have met up for dinner, I was sure. Talked about our first day, eaten our fill like we hadn't had any food all summer... Laughed and joked and waited for dessert and talked each other through our hardest classes that year. I reached to my face and wiped a falling tear before it fell from my cheek. It was nice thinking about him that way, carefree and content and smiling, but it hurt. Knowing he would never be that way again. Not where I would see him, anyway.

I tried to think good things about wherever I believed Tommy was now. That he was in a better place, among the angels and pets that passed away too soon. That he had people up there, new friends to keep him company, and that he didn't have to worry and watch down to see me crying over him every day. That he hadn't had to watch as Dad had scolded me every day since he found him in his room, telling me that I should have known, that I should have stopped it. Telling me that those who kill themselves have no place in Heaven...

"Hey, Cassy, what'cha doing?" The voice shook me from my dark thoughts and I hurried to paste a smile on my face, blinking quickly to clear the tears from my eyes without having to wipe my face in front of him. "Are you okay?"

I nodded and tucked the corner of the page before closing my book and shoving it in my bag laying at my side. "I'm fine. How were your classes?" I smiled up at Fred for only a second before he leaned against the wall and slid down next to me.

"They were... fine... You can tell me if you were crying."

I looked up into the golden brown eyes of this boy I had only met days ago. Why was he being so sweet to this girl he barely knew? I kneaded my hands in my lap and thought about how to answer that. I had been crying, and I was sure he had seen. I could make something up, I suppose, but I wasn't feeling very creative lately.

"No, I wasn't crying, just thinking."

"About what?" Fred turned his body towards mine and grabbed for my hands, ignoring my flinch away this time and pulling them apart.

"Just school, and home. I don't know, I just kinda zoned out, I..."

"I know about Tommy." He interrupted and I felt my heart fall with a pang from my chest. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blurt that out, I meant... I'm so sorry, about Tommy. George and I, we... he was a great guy, we really liked him. I'm butchering this, wow. I just meant, it's gotta be hard being back here without him, I just thought if you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you." He rambled, "George too, we're both here." He added, sounding like an after thought.

I heard my breathing become heavy and quick and I was sure he noticed too. I pulled my  hand from his and wiped under my eyes quickly, praying not to cry in front of him.

"We don't have to talk about it, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."

"No, no. It's okay, Fred, I... No one's even mentioned him to me, besides your brother. It's like people are too scared to bring him up, and it almost hurts more." My voice broke on the last word and I saw his face soften when he heard it. I let out a shaky laugh and was sure I must have seemed crazy, but Fred wore a soft smile, like maybe he understood somehow.

"Come with me." He whispered, flying to his feet and pulling my hands until I was stood next to him.

"Where?" I slung my bag over my shoulder half a second before he whipped me down the hallway.

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