Hide and Seek

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It had been a few days since we had been in the lake. Since I had spent an entire afternoon trying to not get caught staring at him, the way the sun glittered against his hair, the light pink that tinted his shoulders as the day went on. The way he was shirtless nearly the entire day as if Merlin himself was trying to force me to get caught, having Fred's muscular arms and back on display the whole day.

It had been a few days since I had admitted I hadn't had my first kiss. To the boy who I was sure had done much more with many more girls.

I cringed and snapped out of my trance at the rumble of footsteps pouring down the stairs. I knew who it was, of course, just from the weight the set carried, not to mention how they were nearly in sync.

I smiled up at the twins, making sure not to stare at Fred too long. I had seen him almost all day long every single day since I had arrived, but moments where it was just us two were few and far between. It was next to impossible to have any alone time in a house this full, especially when I was probably the only one aching for it.

"What are you up to missy?" George asked, jumping over the couch and landing next to me seconds before Fred did.

"Nothing. It was getting awfully boring down here without you two. What were you up to?"

"Working out some potential kinks in our newest product, we're calling it-" Fred started.

"OI! Don't tell her yet, what's the matter with you?" George gave his twin a wild look and I laughed at his offended face.

"No worries, George, you can keep your secrets. I'll be first in line when the shop opens up." I shrugged, smiling at him as his jaw fell a few inches.

"We don't talk about the shop around here, Cassidy." George breathed out quietly. "Cassidy, who somehow knows about our shop." He said the last sentence glaring daggers at Fred who grinned in response.

"We'll need someone smart eventually. We can't just keep making candy in our bedroom till we're 40."

"Alright, enough. Should we play a game or something?

"Like what?" I asked, failing to picture the twins in a three hour game of monopoly.

"Like hide and seek." Fred offered up his idea with a smile.

"You two will have a horrible advantage in your own house!" I pointed out.

"It's fine Cassy, we won't hide in the attic with the ghoul, pinky swear." George ruffled my hair and smirked as Fred stifled a laugh into his fist.

"Fine, let's get the others." I started to stand before George threw a hand over my chest and shouted towards the stairs.

"RON, GINNY, GHOUL, COME DOWN IF YOU WANT TO PLAY HIDE AND SEEK!" He roared, cupping his hands around his mouth as I rolled my eyes, staring down the staircase to make sure the ghoul didn't in fact come floating down.

The youngest Weasley's scampered down the stairs looking excited for something to do at last.

"Who's seeking?" Ron asked, seeming like he knew it would be him.

"Not it." The rest of us echoed, touching one finger to each of our noses and looked around the circle before realizing Fred's nose was uncovered.

"Did you even try?" I giggled as his grin spread across his face.

"I'll seek. I'm the smartest, only makes sense." He shrugged.

"Alright count to 500!" Ginny called, already sprinting towards the stairs.

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