The Welcome Back Party

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It was after eight now. I was back in my dorm, Maddie had brought me a mug of tea when they had come back from dinner which was sitting cold on my night stand. I had tried to read, tried to work on some homework, but nothing was taking my mind off the events of class today. I was now laying in bed in my warmest pajamas with the blankets pulled up to my chin watching the sun lit clouds roll by in colors of pink and orange.

I would be fine tomorrow. I just needed a night. One night where I didn't have to pretend everything was okay when it wasn't. This was supposed to be my time away from him. But it wasn't the same without Tommy.

There was a knock at the door before it was pushed open and I saw Hannah, Bri and Maddie.

"Cassidy," Bri spoke slowly, waiting to see how I would react.

"Yeah, what's up?" I sat up slightly and leaned against my pillow to look over at my friends.

"Well..." Maddie started now, glancing between the other two. "Gryffindor's throwing a party. You know, for the first week?"

I knew. The Gryffindor common room was more often hosting a party than not. They had one for even the smallest of things.

"You guys go, I'm just gonna stay in tonight."

"No, come on Cass, it'll be no fun without you!" Hannah whined.

I sighed and tried to think of a good excuse that would make them go without me. Before I could form another word there as a tap at the glass window of our dorm and Maddie rushed to let the snowy white owl inside.

"Who's is this?" She asked, plucking the letter from the owls leg and giving her a pat on the head before she flew back out into the night air.

"Who's it for!" Hannah craned her neck to watch as Maddie unrolled the parchment.

"For Cassidy, of course." Maddie smirked and I sat back up. "Cassidy, Gryffindor's having a start of term party in our common room if you haven't heard. We'd all love to have you there! And you can bring some friends if you want, of course. The common room is on floor seven, if you head up the staircase from the great hall it's the farthest tower on your left.

Hope to see you soon,

Harry, Ron and Hermione" Maddie put a significant emphasis on Harry's name and the girls realized who's owl had brought the note.

"Come on Cassidy, you have to come, you have the entire Gryffindor quidditch team pining for you at this point!" Hannah teased as Bri's eyes lit up. The three headed to my trunk at the foot of the bed and began tearing clothes out of the case, looking for something suitable.

"Here, wear this top," Bri tossed a shimmery gold top at me and dug around some more until she found plain black leggings to go with it.

"Dress her like a Gryffindor slu-"

"Hey!" Maddie slapped Hannah's arm, cutting her sentence off.

"Guys, I said I wasn't going!" I whined, sinking back down under the covers.

"Yeah, that was before the Harry Potter sent you a personal invitation to your bedside." Bri said, yanking the covers down off my face and pushing me out of bed.

"Come on. It's the first party. You'll have fun, I promise, or we can leave. I swear!" Maddie said, sitting on the end of my bed and I groaned, dragging the clothes with me off to the bathroom to get ready.

"Do something with your hair, it looks like you've been laying in bed all day! Oh wait, you have!" Hannah yelled through the wooden door.

Nearly half an hour later, the girls and I were sneaking silently out of the common room so no one asked where we were off to this late. I pulled the long sleeves of the gold top down over my hands and clutched the note from Harry to lead us to Gryffindor tower.

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