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"First years, follow us please!" I called, holding my hand as high as I could in an attempt to gather all of the smallest new Hufflepuffs.

"I would have thought Fred Weasley's girlfriend would be able to yell a bit louder." Ernie Macmillan chuckled next to me as a few of the first years arrived at our side.

"That was me being loud!" I replied, looking around at the rest of the confused students.

He shook his head with a smile before putting two fingers in between his lips and whistling loud enough it could have summoned birds from the owlery.

"Oi! Hufflepuff's this way!"

I shook my head as he smirked, the remaining eleven year olds scampering to our sides.

"Welcome to Hufflepuff!" I smiled as we started towards the exit of the Great Hall. "So obviously, this is the Great Hall, this is where we eat all of our meals and where all of the feasts are held, like Halloween, Christmas, end of the year."

A few of the students eyes lingered on the dark ceiling of the room as we left, thousands of stars helping the floating candles to illuminate the space.

"Hogwarts is a big school, so make sure you pay attention where you're going. Don't want to wind up in some random corridor and have everyone find your bones a few months later-"

"Ernie!" I scolded, a few of the kids giggling with him while some in the front seemed nervous. "It is a big school, but there are tons of people around here to help you. Teachers and staff members and older students if you ask nicely. You'll learn quick, too."

"Oh, and the stairs move, so watch out for that."

Some murmurs broke out at that as we walked towards the staircase leading down to the kitchens.

"Alright so, down this staircase takes us to our common room which is where your dormitories will be. All of your luggage will be already set up in your rooms for you." I listed off everything I had been planning to tell the first years the whole train ride over. "Here we go, our entrance is behind these barrels."

"Simply tap the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff along here," Ernie showed the wide eyed students, stepping back as the walls parted to some soft 'wow's.' "This way!"

We led the students into the warm room, plants lining the walls and hanging from the ceilings flicked lightly at them as they neared.

"Boys to the left, ladies to the right!" Ernie pointed towards the doorways to the dormitories before checking his watch. "All set?" He looked at me and I shrugged, as if I had any clue what I was doing here either.

"If you guys have any questions or need anything, don't hesitate to ask either of us or any of your upperclassmen! We're all here to help!" I called after the already departing students as they rushed up the stairs to check out their new rooms.

"Alright, I'll see you then for rounds tomorrow?" He asked, glancing eagerly around the room as if looking for someone specific and not finding them.

"Yeah, sure. Night Ernie."

I glanced around the room too which was decently full of students at this time, all soaking in the final few hours of fun before term officially began. I turned to the entrance, ready to find Fred after a long day without him when I noticed the small brown haired girl sitting alone on the floor near the empty fireplace.

I frowned, checking my watch as I headed towards her. I had time before curfew.

"Hey," I said softly as I reached the girl on the floor, tucking my skirt beneath my legs as sat down. "What's your name?"

Safe With Me ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now