The Last Will & Testament

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I had never used Floo powder before, although the Weasley's had made it look quite simple last summer, despite getting stuck behind Harry's fireplace. I knew that wouldn't be a problem this time. I opted to head through first, grabbing a handful of the sand-like mixture as I had watched Fred do nearly a year ago. I gave Dumbledore a small nod of appreciation, ignoring the sad look that had lived in his eyes all morning.

I stepped through the unlit fireplace, scanning the familiar room as if I expected to see him. To see anyone. But everything was exactly as I remembered it. Silent, cold and dark.

I heard Fred's footsteps behind me and felt him reach for my hand as he looked around.

"You okay?" He asked, his voice soft, although I wasn't sure if that was his intention or if he was still partially asleep.

"Yes." I answered, tracing my fingers along his in an attempt to remind myself that I was safe. I was home, but I was safe. I couldn't remember the last time I could say that.

"So this is your house?" He asked, looking around the library from the dark wood flooring to the climbing bookshelves. "Well, old house."

"I never thought I would be here again..." I trailed off, running my fingers over some notably worn books, which I thought I had lost forever.

"We have time." Fred glanced at his wrist. "The funeral's not until 11 if you want to... I mean, whatever you want to do."

I nodded, pulling a few books from the shelf nearest me and stacking them on the mantle of the fireplace. "I wonder who he left the house to. I should go get my things..."

"I'll help you." Fred whispered, taking a step over to me and pressing his lips to my cheek. "Show me where."

I took his hand again, not looking forward to passing by the kitchen, the hallway upstairs, Tommy's room. We climbed the stairs into darkness before I flipped the light switch, Fred's eyes flickering back to the button a few times before continuing to the end of the hall. I turned the knob to my room and pushed the door open, being met again with darkness before I hit the switch.

The white light lit up the room, exactly how I had left it last Christmas. Books stacked neatly on the nightstand, matching sheets and blankets folded neatly against the mattress, a half filled closet.

"This is my room." I said, not taking more than a step inside before I watched Fred cross to the bed.

"Really? I would have never guessed." He smirked, picking up one of the books from the table.

"I didn't even... think... we should have brought boxes, I didn't think about how much stuff-" I paused as Fred pulled the curtains to the side, letting in the bright sunlight from the early morning outside. Before I could even blink, he had pushed up on the window sill and taken a few steps back as if to enjoy the new breeze wafting in.

"Accio moving boxes." He muttered, smirking at my wide eyed stare. "I'm allowed, Cassidy."

"Even so, you definitely just stole those from someone's house." I replied, laughing as multiple thin cardboard boxes flew through the window and Fred ducked out of the way. "And they flew through mid air!"

"Eh, everyone's at work! We're fine." He shut the window again and started towards the boxes. "Alright, what do you want to bring?"

We spent nearly an hour boxing up a good portion of my closet and favorite books, my jewelry box, and the small collection of photographs that I had. I tucked the flaps of the box together and Fred levitated a few more down the hallway. I took one last look at the room and shut the door once again before heading to the first room near the stairs. The bigger of the two rooms. The room I had spent many nights in with my brother.

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