The Carrows

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The familiar whistle of the train echoed through the station as Ginny and I waited for the rest of the Weasley's to make it through the platform. It was just like every other year, the gleaming red of the Hogwarts Express, the steam rolling off the ceiling before it disappeared into the open air at the end of the tunnel. My stomach lurched as I looked to Ginny's permanent frown as she scanned the families around us. There was no Harry, no Ron, no Hermione. Everything felt so different from the train rides I had grown used to since the Gryffindor's had burst into my empty compartment four years ago.

"Alright, Ginevra, look at me. I know, it's going to be hard, and you're going to miss him-"


"Them, you're going to miss them. Please, dear, you've got to behave. I'll be so worried-"

Molly's voice trailed away as I let Fred pull me away from the crowds, his fingers linking with mine, his gaze stuck on our hands joined together for the last time until Christmas.

I hadn't mentioned it to Fred, or to any of the Weasley's, how nervous I was to go back. To see Snape again, after watching him lead Draco from the school after killing our headmaster. After he had cursed George's ear off. The man who used to sit across the room from us as we brewed potions we would never need to use in real life.

I hadn't mentioned it because of the look in Fred's eye, the way his face had seemed paler, his laughter coming slower the last few days. It was hard to tell, sometimes, who seemed more nervous, Molly or Fred.

"Hey," I whispered, his eyes lurching up from our fingers and finding my own. "Everything's going to be alright."

He nodded twice, still not speaking. Students had begun to clamber onto the train, new first years beaming down, not noticing the shaky smiles their parents returned to them.

"Can I see you smile just once before I go?" I nudged him half-heartedly. "It's going to be a while until I see it again. I don't want to forget it."

He rolled his eyes, a small smile pulling at his lips as he dropped my hand, his own reaching up to press my hair behind my ear.

"I don't want you to go." He finally spoke. I pulled my lip through my teeth, blinking a few times at the threat of tears.

I don't want to go.

"I wish I could stay." I answered, stepping closer and letting him pull me tightly into his arms.

"Write me. Every week, okay?" He breathed into my hair. "Even if it's perfect there. I want to know everything."

"You too. I mean it. I want to hear if some toddler wanders out with a puking pastille or if more shops close down there." I paused, pulling back from the hug so I could look into his eyes again. "Promise me you'll be safe. I know you and George feel invincible, but please... Please."

He was smiling again, his thumb rubbing lazy circles onto my cheek as the train whistled once more, Ginny glancing towards us as Fred shot her a hurried nod.

"Swear on my life, pretty girl. You're gonna get sick of my letters." He pulled my face closer, his lips latching onto mine as if it was the last time. I pushed the thought from my head, feeling his fingers slip from mine as I rushed towards Ginny, both of us jumping onto the train and hurrying down the hallway towards the compartments.

I snuck one last look at the Weasley's, George had found his way to Fred's side, a long arm around his brother's shoulder as Molly's eyes scanned frantically along the windows, searching for Ginny as the train began to pull from the station.

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