Give Her Hell From Us, Peeves

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It was almost unbelievable that only 9 hours ago I had woken up, admittedly burning hot under four blankets, but with the small girl curled up beside me, long strawberry hair draped over my chest. Almost more unbelievable was the fact that I wouldn't get to see her again until practically July.

"I still think you should just tell me what this prank-to-end-all-pranks is!" She hissed from behind me, letting me pull her through the hallway towards the spot I had specifically picked out for her to watch the events unfold.

"And ruin the surprise? How lame are you?" I shot her a wink as we reached the bench overlooking the corridor George and I had selected, far enough away from Umbridge's office that it would give Harry the most time to get in and out without getting caught.

"You're doing it up here?" She asked, taking a seat on the bench, bright blue eyes looking up at me.

"No." I shook my head with a laugh. "You think I would put you right into the line of fire?" She gave me a look before I continued. "Don't answer that."

"And why am I wearing rain boots?"

"All part of the fun, now shut it. I'm trying to say goodbye."

"I know. Contrary to popular belief, I don't actually want you to do that." She teased, offering me a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Too late to go back now, Cassy, you were the one begging me to leave yesterday-" I grinned, feeling the all too familiar pull in my chest. She swatted near my face to shut me up before I bent down to her. "I'm going to miss you."

"You'd better." She spoke, her voice quiet and her eyes growing misty.

"I love you." I could see George in the corridor below leaning against the stone wall. "Be careful, no more detentions, don't study too hard, I expect some T results in the mail this summer."

"You be careful. Stay safe." She jumped up from the bench, throwing her arms around my neck. I pulled her in, easily, feeling the warmth from her fingers lining my skin, breathing in the scent of her hair, committing it to memory. She leaned back slightly, as if to end the hug, before I grabbed each side of her face, pulling it closer to mine, our lips colliding at once.

"I have to go." I whispered finally, running my thumb softly over her cheek, "Harry's got some important plan, we're kind of the main attraction." I tried for a smile, pushing her to the railing overlooking the stairways below.

George nodded at the two of us, sending Cass a small wave which she returned, leaning her head against my shoulder for a second and letting me press a kiss to her forehead.

"I love you, Cassy." I said softly, squeezing her shoulder and taking a step backwards towards the stairs.

"I love you more." She said through tight lips, her eyes not leaving mine as she returned to her spot on the bench. I took the steps two at a time, turning the corner and spotting George again before turning back to her.

"Good luck on your OWLs." I called back with a grin. "And stay dry!"

"Stay dry-?" I heard her mumble, mostly to herself as I joined my brother near the statue of Gregory the Smarmy, checking my watch.

"Ready Fred?"

"Ready, George." I nodded, noting his raised eyebrows before he nodded, pointing his wand near the center of the corridor and with a bang, the large red tent appeared before us, expanding as it filled with mucky water and then exploding greenish, sludgy water: the very first Portable Swamp.

"Oh, Merlin-" George chuckled as we jumped backwards out of the way of the rapidly spreading water. Tropical trees and logs appeared every few feet as the swamp grew in size, moss forming along the surface, the depths turning from green to dark brown. George and I stepped up a few steps to watch our work unfold. Water gurgled down the hallway before spilling over the edges, screams echoing up from the floor below.

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