Lake Day

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The day was just as I had hoped. Perfect swimming weather. The sun had a thin layer of clouds that drifted past every few minutes, but it was stifling in the house and we all agreed that we would bring lunch down to the lake.

Mum packed a large basket with different kinds of sandwiches and bottles of water and sent us on our way. Ron wore a t-shirt, but George and I had opted for just our swim trunks, wanting to start our minimal tan as quickly as we could. Ginny and Cassidy wore t-shirts with nearly identical pairs of jean shorts and sunglasses perched to hide their eyes from the sun.

I had hardly slept again last night, but I wasn't sure if it was from the excitement to get to swim with her today or the memory of her choosing to chug an entire glass of firewhiskey rather than kiss me.

And I didn't care. She didn't have to kiss me. Who's to say she would have even picked me if she had completed the dare. But did it sting? Hell yes.

We finally made it to the end of the dirt path when our feet hit the light sand and I kicked off my shoes at once, feeling the warmth of the earth beneath my toes.

"Oh, I've missed this place." George said, scooping Ginny up with both arms and racing towards the water, her screams fading into the trees surrounding the beach and falling on deaf ears as George launched her into the water.

"George, you git, now all my stuff is soaked!" Her voice carried from the water and Ron and I chuckled before I stole a side glance at the small blonde next to me.

"Fred, don't." She warned as she began to back away. "I know what you're thinking, don't I swear - I SWEAR!" She squealed as her feet left the ground and I ran towards George and Ginny, trying to launch her into the water when we got close enough but her arms clung to my neck.

"Let go! You're going in! You are!" I laughed, pulling at her with all my might and nearly feeling her give up before she grabbed onto my neck even tighter. "You're going in!" I shouted as  I launched us into the water, thankful that I wasn't wearing a shirt now.

I felt her hands leave my neck as we hit the water and I kicked off the sandy floor, wiping the water from my eyes to see her standing before me, her hair dripping down her face, her t-shirt soaked through and clinging to her chest.

"My clothes. Are wet." She huffed, still staring as I began to laugh again.

"You shouldn't wear clothes inside the water, Cassidy, is this your first time swimming?" I joked, laughing as she splashed more water my way and joined Ginny in climbing from the lake, heading to wear Ron was laying his towel next to the basket of food.

I watched the girls squeeze water from their clothes as best they could and step out from their shorts, laying them in the sand to dry in the sun.

Cassidy's eyes met mine as she reached for the hem of her t-shirt and I noticed the way she looked down at once.

I turned to George and struck up a conversation to show her that I wasn't watching her.

"Ron, get in here you wuss!" George called and I turned towards him before my eyes fell on her again. She was wearing the black bikini we had bought the other day. Obviously she was, she only had the one swim suit. But...

Bloody Hell.

"Yeah, stare at her. Girls like that." George muttered under his breath, shaking me from my trance.

"Much better." I teased as she finally reached our depth, treading water like the rest of us.

"Chicken fight?" George suggested.

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