Mrs. Weasley

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I woke up with no assistance this morning, the sun barely peaking through our windows yet. Pulling on my robes and black boots, I grabbed the two identical boxes from the dresser and snuck a last look at my roommates, all still fast asleep as I snuck out the door and down to the common room.

I knew there was no way that they were up yet, especially on their birthday. There was no telling if they would even attend classes today, but I wanted them to wake up to their presents. It took nearly twenty minutes to creep through the silence of the Hufflepuff dorms and up to Gryffindor tower until I finally arrived at the boys door. I tested the doorknob slowly, feeling it turn easily and smiling when I realized it was unlocked. I pushed it open, holding my breath for no reason now that I heard the deafening roar of three separate snores.

I tiptoed across the wood floors and set each box at the edge of their beds next to a large sack of sweets and another pair of identical maroon boxes that Errol had no doubt dropped off hours ago from Molly. I snuck one last glance at Fred, wanting nothing more than to climb into bed next to him and waste our entire day, but not wanting to wake him from what sounded like the deepest sleep anyone had ever experienced.

Backing from the room carefully, I pulled the door behind me until it clicked and aimed at the ceiling outside the twins room. I whispered a few charms, conjuring red and golden streamers and balloons and attached them along the walls as I headed down to the common room, wrapping the decorations around the space and slipping back out to get some breakfast.

Nearly an hour later I was sat at the Gryffindor table with an exhausted looking trio, Ron seeming almost too tired to eat.

"Hermione, how many classes are you taking this year?" I asked, noting the familiar circles beneath her eyes.

"The correct amount." She sighed. "It's the Third Task prep we've been doing with Harry." She whispered the final sentence.

"Brutal." Ron whined, grabbing for another muffin from the tray before us while I felt the warmth of someone's arms wrapping around my shoulders, a kiss pressed to my cheek.

"Good morning, gorgeous." Fred said, landing on the seat next to me as George appeared behind him.

"These are wicked, Cass! How'd you do this?" George grinned, raising his hands to show the rest of the group their matching birthday gifts, golden cufflinks in the shape of fireworks which let off innocent colorful sparks every time you touched them together.

"Charms." I answered.

"How'd you get into our room, young lady? I'm going to have to have a word with Minerva, such inappropriate behavior-"

I laughed, smacking him lightly on the arm as he bit into his breakfast.

"What did your mum send you?" I asked, remembering the matching boxes at the edge of their beds.

Fred smiled and pulled out a simple black and golden pocket watch from the inside of his robes.

"Bill, Charlie and Percy all got them at 17. It's like a wizarding tradition, they say." He explained, running his fingers over the clasp absentmindedly.

"Hey, that's really nice!" Ron shouted from across the table, sneaking a look at both boys watches.

"Few more years, Ronnie-kins." George patted his head, teasingly, earning a laugh from Harry.

"Alright, we've got to get going if we're going to get any more practice in before class." Hermione announced, pulling at both boys arms and being met with matching groans.

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